Bases of technique of sprinting




index of activity, technique of run, parabolic and cycloidal trajectories of movement of the general center of a body weight, anthropometrical characteristics


Purpose: to determine the biomechanical consistent patterns of a movement of a body providing the highest speed of sprinting. Material and methods: the analysis of scientific and methodical literature on the considered problem, the anthropometrical characteristics of the surveyed contingent of sportsmen, the analysis of high-speed shootings of the leading runners of the world. Results: the biomechanical bases of technique of sprinting make dispersal and movement of the general center of body weight of the sportsman on a parabolic curve in a start phase taking into account the initial height of its stay in a pose of a low start. Its further movement happens on a cycloidal trajectory which is formed due to a pendulum movement of the extremities creating the lifting power which provides flight duration more in a running step, than duration of a basic phase. Conclusions: the received biomechanical regularities of technique of sprinting allow increasing the efficiency of training of sportsmen in sprinting.


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How to Cite

Друзь Валерій Анатолійович (Valeriy D., Омельченко Марина Володимирівна (Maryna O., & Омельченко Дмитро Олексійович (Dmytro O. (2015). Bases of technique of sprinting. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (3(47), 41–46.


