Integrated marketing sphere of physical culture and sports in terms of European integration Regional Center Research


  • (Oleksandr Popov) Попов Олександр Вікторович Харківська державна академія фізичної культури,



marketing conception, sporting image, European integration


Purpose: exposure of conceptual and strategic positions of the complex marketing of sphere of physical culture and sport in the conditions of European integration of regional center. Material and Methods: analysis of literary sources, analysis of documents of legislative, normatively-legal and programmatic maintenance, analysis of the systems, questioning as a questionnaire. Results: the analysis of the systems of terms of development of sphere of physical culture and sport is carried out by the study of modern tendencies, interests of young people and habitants of regional center; complex description of conceptual and strategic positions of the relatively complex marketing of sphere of physical culture and sport is presented in the conditions of European integration of regional center. Conclusions: it is set that the decision of tasks in relation to conditioning for development of sphere of physical culture and sport must come true with the observance of certain principles; got founding in relation to development of marketing plan of forming of sporting image Kharkiv.


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How to Cite

Попов Олександр Вікторович (Oleksandr P. (2015). Integrated marketing sphere of physical culture and sports in terms of European integration Regional Center Research. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (3(47), 88–92.


