The motivation of pupils of 7–8 classes in gymnastics




teenagers, gymnastics, motivation, physical culture, school


Purpose: to identify motives and interests of pupils of 7–8 classes in gymnastics. Material and Methods: the questionnaire of pupils of 7–8 classes was conducted in schools with different capabilities cultivation of module of gymnastics. questions revealed the ratio of students to lessons of physical culture and module "gymnastics". Results: the questionnaire has revealed the impact of gymnastics lessons on the attitude to gymnastic exercises. Сonclusions: 31 per cent of pupils do not realize the importance of physical activity for improving the health. Absence of the gymnastic lessons at school negatively influences the attitude to gymnastics. 14 per cent of pupils have negative attitude to gymnastics at school where gymnastic lessons are conducted. 52 per cent of pupils have negative attitude to gymnastic at school where gymnastic lessons are not conducted (P<0,01). 23 per cent of pupils like to do the exercises on gymnastic apparatus. 8 per cent of pupils do not like to do the exercises on gymnastic apparatus (P<0,05). 40 per cent go in for street kind of gymnastics


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Муллагільдіна Алла Ядікарівна (Alla M., Красова Інна Вікторівна (Inna K., & Марченков Михайло Костянтинович (Mikhailo M. (2015). The motivation of pupils of 7–8 classes in gymnastics. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (6(50), 104–110.


