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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Це подання раніше не було опубліковане і не надсилалося до розгляду редакціям інших журналів (або у коментарях для редактора нижче дані необхідні пояснення).
  • Інтернет-посилання у тексті супроводжуються повними коректними адресами URL.
  • Текст відповідає вимогам до стилістики та бібліографії, викладеним у Керівництві для авторів розділу "Про журнал".

Author Guidelines

Only articles made in accordance with the requirements of the Decree of the Presidium of the HAC of Ukraine from 15.01.2003g. № 7-05 /1 are accepted to publication in the collection of scientific works. Articles must have the following essential elements: formulation of the problem in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks; analysis of recent researches and publications in which a solution of this problem is started and to which the author refers to, the selection of the unsolved aspects of the problem, which is dedicated article; formulation of article purposespresentation of the main research material with full justification of scientific results;сonclusions of the research and the prospects for further research in this area and a list of used sources (drawn up in accordance with the standards - GOST 7.1-84, GOST 3582-97, GOST 7.12-93). References shall be made in the order mentioned in the text. References are placed in square brackets. References in Roman script is provided after the list of used sources, decorated according to the requirements.

Volume of the paper, directed into the journal, 5 - 8 page, edited in accordance with the requirements, the number of illustrations in the article - 4 - 7.

The article can be presented in Russian, Ukrainian or English. Text of the article, endorsed by the authors of a handwritten signature, is served to the editorial office in printed form (1 copy), with the said business phone and e-mail addresses of the authors.

Article is accepted for consideration only with the relevant supporting documents and an electronic version as a text file in format of Microsoft Office Word 2003.

Paper size - A4. Field sizes: top, bottom - 20 mm; left, right - 25 mm. The main text is typed in Times New Roman, size 11, line spacing - 1,0.

The red line corresponds to the paragraph indent of 1 cm. Pagination is not affixed. Text alignment is performed in width.

For special symbols and formulas the font Symbol MT Extra is used, math courses should be used in the formula editor.

The graphic material is presented in the form of drawings and diagrams, must be built into the text.

The article must contain a UDC (in the upper left corner). On the next line on the right side, in bold type, size 11 - the surname, name and patronymic (in the nominative case); at the bottom of the first page as a footnote in italics, font size 10 (see menu bar: Insert / Reference / Footnote) - academic degree, academic rank (if not - position), place of work (without abbreviations), city, e-mail address; foreign authors indicate name of the country. Further, after the line spacing the article title is typed (in capital letters, centered, without a final point); abstracts in three languages (the volume of annotations in Russian and Ukrainian - 50 words, in English - 200-250 words), the abstract  on the article language is placed first (indentation on the left and the right by 1 cm, italic), and keywords(from three to eight).

If non-conformity article is not accepted for publication.

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