Analysis of complex properties of manganese ores and sludges as well as possibilities of their pelletizing for obtaining manganese ferroalloys




manganese concentrate, ferroalloys, dissociation, reduction, value of raw materials


The results of differential thermal analysis of samples of oxide, oxide-carbonate and carbonate ores and concentrates have been obtained. A study for sintering the agglomerate using high-intensity magnetic separation concentrate has been carried out. The comparison of technological parameters of the agglomeration process with the use of high-intensity magnetic separation concentrate in an unprepared form and with its preliminary pelletization has been performed. Comprehensive studies of the chemical and mineralogical composition of industrial saws and sludges at JSC «Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant» have been performed in order to develop technological schemes and processes of their reuse. The research has determined the physical properties of industrial sawdust and sludge, has worked out the modes of their pelletizing and agglomeration. The modes of filtering and pelleting of the raw pellets obtained from dust and sludge of current production of ferroalloys have been tested. The possibility of obtaining calcinated pellets suitable for smelting standard alloys has been investigated. The process of obtaining manganese granules for further agglomeration has been tested on a bowl moulder with a diameter of 5.5 m. The optimal modes of granule formation with a diameter of 3-5 mm, which have the highest technological indicators, have been worked out. The agglomeration process was tested using granules with a diameter of 2-8 mm with a change in their mass fraction in the ore part from 10 to 50%. The optimal agglomeration parameters have been determined, which make it possible to carry out the process without reducing the technological indicators when using 30-45% concentrate of high-intensity magnetic separation in the sintering charge

Author Biographies

V.V. Krivenko, Technological institute of State university of economics and technology, Kryvyi Rih

Кандидат технічних наук, доцент

E.V. Chuprinov, Technological institute of the State university of economics and technology, Kryvyi Rih

Кандидат технічних наук, доцент

D.O. Kassim, Technological institute of the State university of economics and technology, Kryvyi Rih

Доктор технічних наук, професор

M.G. Korenko, Technological institute of the State university of economics and technology, Kryvyi Rih

Кандидат технічних наук, доцент

I.A. Lyakhova, Technological institute of the State university of economics and technology, Kryvyi Rih

Кандидат технічних наук, доцент


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How to Cite

Krivenko, V. ., Chuprinov, E. ., Kassim, D. ., Korenko, M. ., & Lyakhova, I. . (2021). Analysis of complex properties of manganese ores and sludges as well as possibilities of their pelletizing for obtaining manganese ferroalloys. Reporter of the Priazovskyi State Technical University. Section: Technical Sciences, (43), 111–120.