Research on relation of heat and other fac-tors that influence the gas suspension flow in the gunite lance of the 160t converter


  • P. S. Kharlashin State higher educational establishment "Priazovskyi state technical university", Mariupol, Ukraine
  • V. S. Voloshin State higher educational establishment "Priazovskyi state technical university", Mariupol, Ukraine
  • Assiil Mohammed Kadhim State higher educational establishment "Priazovskyi state technical university", Mariupol, Ukraine
  • Y. V. Havalic State higher educational establishment "Priazovskyi state technical university", Mariupol, Ukraine



gunite lance, energy potential, gas suspension flow


The position of a blast tube for supply of gas-powdered mixture and oxygen in the lance with different levels of the outflow. Using such constructive solution gas suspension is heated from the wall of the lance’s body by means of convective heat flow, delivered by the wall to the carrier gas. there is no danger in its heat-up through the separating wall of the line because the temperature tw of the wall of the lance’s body, but increasing of the temperature O2 is recommended. In order not to let the line of the oxygen blast tube in the moment of the 90° turn of the gas-powdered flow wear out. The results of numerical calculations of the equilibrium two-phase flow in the gunite lance with the extraction of the gunite mass at different levels along its length are shown that with such a constructive solution pressure, velocity and density change in leaps and bounds. Also shown that if the body becomes heat exchanger, the energy potential of the gas-dispersed flow significantly changes. It is recommended to perform the pipe of the lance stepped in order to reduce the loss of the compressed gas suspension flow

Author Biographies

P. S. Kharlashin, State higher educational establishment "Priazovskyi state technical university", Mariupol

Доктор технічних наук, професор

V. S. Voloshin, State higher educational establishment "Priazovskyi state technical university", Mariupol

Доктор технічних наук, професор

Assiil Mohammed Kadhim, State higher educational establishment "Priazovskyi state technical university", Mariupol


Y. V. Havalic, State higher educational establishment "Priazovskyi state technical university", Mariupol



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How to Cite

Kharlashin, P. S., Voloshin, V. S., Kadhim, A. M., & Havalic, Y. V. (2015). Research on relation of heat and other fac-tors that influence the gas suspension flow in the gunite lance of the 160t converter. Reporter of the Priazovskyi State Technical University. Section: Technical Sciences, (29), 8–15.