Editorial board


Editor-in-chief: Ishchenko Anatoliy Oleksiyovych

Main place of work: SHEE "Priazovskyi state technical university"
Position: professor of the department of lifting and transport machines and parts
Science degree: Dsc (Engineering)
Title: professor

Country: Ukraine

E-mail: ischenko50@ukr.net

Scopus Author ID 7102919266
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Angeliki G. Lekatou

Main place of work: University of Ioannina (UOI), Greece
Position: professor, Director of the Applied Metallurgy Laboratory
Science degree: Dr., PhD

Country: Greece

E-mail: angelikilekatou@gmail.com

Scopus Author ID 24281435000
ORCID 0000-0001-7951-4431
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Hossam Ahmed Mohamed Halfa

Main place of work: Central Metallurgical Research & Development Institute, Cairo, Egypt
Position: associate professor
Science degree: Dr., PhD

Country: Egypt

Phone: (020) 250-10-642
E-mail: hossamhalfa@gmail.com

Scopus Author ID 15765173200
ORCID 0000-0002-5063-5026
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Sergey Edward Lyshevski

Main place of work: Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, USA
Position: professor of electrical engineering department of electrical and microelectronic engineering

Science degree: Dr., PhD

Country: United States of America

Phone: (585)-475-4370
E-mail: Sergey.Lyshevski@mail.rit.edu

Scopus Author ID 35617359100
ORCID 0000-0003-1340-4824
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Dmytro Makarchuk

Main place of work: Solent University, Southampton, UK
Position: lecturer
Science degree: PhD (Engineering)

Country: United Kindom

E-mail: dmytro.makarchuk@solent.ac.uk

Scopus Author ID 57219237669
ORCID 0000-0002-4299-6614
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Oleksandr Vrublevskyi

Main place of work: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Olsztyn
Position: professor of the Chair of Vehicles and Machinery Exploitation
Science degree: Dsc (Engineering)
Title: professor

Country: Poland

Phone: 48 538536132
E-mail: aleksander.wroblewski@uwm.edu.pl

Scopus Author ID 57202423299
ORCID 0000-0002-5871-6381
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Azarkhov Oleksandr Yuriyovych

Main place of work: SHEE "Priazovskyi state technical university"
Position: head of the department of biomedical engineering
Science degree: Dsc (Medicine), Cand.Sc. (Engineering)
Title: professor

Country: Ukraine

Phone: +38(067)5356051
E-mail: alexazarhov@gmail.com

Scopus Author ID 15768787600
ORCID 0000-0003-0062-0616

Bilousov Ievhen Viktorovich

Main place of work: Kherson State Maritime Academy
Position: professor of the department of operation of ship power plants
Science degree: Dsc (Engineering)
Title: professor

Country: Ukraine

E-mail: ewbelousov67@gmail.com

Scopus Author ID 57208404782
ORCID 0000-0001-8185-8209 
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Belokon Karina Vladimirovna

Main place of work: Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy
Position: associate professor of the department of applied ecology and labor protection
Science degree: Cand.Sc. (Engineering)
Title: associate professor

Country: Ukraine

E-mail: kv.belokon@gmail.com

Scopus Author ID 56196099400
ORCID 0000-0003-2000-4052 
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Bulgakov Mykola Petrovich

Main place of work: Odesa State Maritime University
Position: associate professor of the department of navigation and maritime safety
Science degree: Cand.Sc. (Engineering)
Title: associate professor

Country: Ukraine

Phone: +380974458638
E-mail: npbulgakov2@gmail.com 

Scopus Author ID 57312351600
ORCID 0000-0002-7172-8678
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Bialobrzheskyi Oleksii Volodymyrovych

Main place of work: Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskiy National University
Position: associate professor of the department of electrical engineering
Science degree: Cand.Sc. (Engineering)
Title: associate professor

Country: Ukraine

Тел.:  +38-096-252-57-17
E-mail: bialobrzeski@ukr.net

Scopus Author ID 57196464606
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Volodarets Mykyta Vitaliyovych

Main place of work: SHEE "Priazovskyi state technical university"
Position: associate professor of the department of automation of power supply and electric drive systems
Science degree: Cand.Sc. (Engineering)

Country: Ukraine

Phone: (0629) 44-65-51
E-mail: volodarets.nikita@gmail.com

Scopus Author ID 57195074889
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Golovan Andrii Ihorovych

Main place of work: Odesa State Maritime University
Position: associate professor of the department of navigation and maritime safety
Science degree: Cand.Sc. (Engineering)

Country: Ukraine

E-mail: andrew.golovan@gmail.com

Scopus Author ID 57204001471
ORCID 0000-0001-6589-4381
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Gritsuk Igor Valerіiovich

Main place of work: Kherson State Maritime Academy
Position: professor of the department of department of ship electrical equipment and automatic devices operation
Science degree: Dsc (Engineering)
Title: professor 

Country: Ukraine

E-mail: gritsuk_iv@ukr.net

Scopus Author ID 57190293165
ORCID 0000-0001-7065-6820
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Gubinski Mykhailo Volodymyrovych

Main place of work: The National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
Position: professor of the department of industrial heat power
Science degree: Dsc (Engineering)
Title: professor 

Country: Ukraine

E-mail: gubinm58@gmail.com

Scopus Author ID 56196705500
ORCID 0000-0001-5061-7779
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Efremenko Vasily Georgievich 

Main place of work: SHEE "Priazovskyi state technical university"
Position: head of the department of physics, professor of the department of materials science and advanced technologies
Science degree: Dsc (Engineering)
Title: professor

Country: Ukraine

E-mail: efremenko_v_g@pstu.edu

Scopus Author ID 7005748111
ORCID 0000-0002-4537-6939
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Kyryllova Olena Viktorivna

Main place of work: Odesa State Maritime University
Position: head of the department of port operation and cargo work technology
Science degree: Dsc (Engineering)
Title: professor

Country: Ukraine

Phone: +38 (067) 480-52-77
E-mail: kirillova18@i.ua

Scopus Author ID 57190434263
ORCID 0000-0002-3414-7364
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Kletska Olha Vіtalіїvna

Main place of work: SHEE "Priazovskyi state technical university"
Position: associate professor of the department of rolling stock transport systems
Science degree: Cand.Sc. (Engineering)
Title: associate professor

Country: Ukraine

Phone: (0629) 
E-mail: gurao@ukr.net

Scopus Author ID 57195731267
ORCID 0000-0002-4682-860X
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Kovalevska Olena Serhiyivna

Main place of work: Donbass State Engineering Academy
Position: associate professor of the department of engineering technology
Science degree: Cand.Sc. (Engineering)
Title: associate professor

Country: Ukraine

Phone: (0626) 41-47-70
E-mail: tiup@dgma.donetsk.ua

Scopus Author ID 57201211726
ORCID 0000-0001-5884-0430

Kukhar Volodymyr Valentynovych 

Main place of work: SHEE "Priazovskyi state technical university"
Position: head of the department of metal forming
Science degree: Dsc (Engineering)
Title: professor

Country: Ukraine

E-mail: kvv.mariupol@gmail.com

Scopus Author ID 56309980200
ORCID 0000-0002-4863-7233
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Lukianenko Anna Olegovna

Main place of work: E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute
Position: head of the department of occupational safety and ecology in welding
Science degree: Cand.Sc. (Engineering)

Country: Ukraine

E-mail: Lukianenko@nas.gov.ua

Scopus Author ID 57203806075
ORCID 0000-0002-0632-4984

Mazur Vladislav Oleksandrovich

Main place of work: SHEE "Priazovskyi state technical university"
Position: associate professor of the department of nano engineering in branch engineering
Science degree: Cand.Sc. (Engineering)
Title: associate professor

Country: Ukraine

E-mail: mazur_v_a@pstu.edu

Scopus Author ID 56684651000

Onishchenko Oleg Anatoliyovych

Main place of work: National University «Odessa Maritime Academy»
Position: professor of the department of technical fleet operation
Science degree: Dsc (Engineering)
Title: professor

Country: Ukraine

E-mail: oleganaton@gmail.com

Scopus Author ID 57192820689
ORCID 0000-0002-3766-3188
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Parfenenko Yuliia Viktorovna

Main place of work: Sumy State University
Position: associate professor of the department of computer science
Science degree: Cand.Sc. (Engineering)
Title: associate professor

Country: Ukraine

Phone: (0542) 68-78-54
E-mail: yuliya_p@cs.sumdu.edu.ua

Scopus Author ID 54420952900
ORCID 0000-0003-4377-5132
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Petrenko Tetyana Hryhorivna

Main place of work: Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport
Position: associate professor of the department of information technology
Science degree: Cand.Sc. (Engineering)
Title: associate professor

Country: Ukraine

Phone: (057) 730-19-84
E-mail: petrenko_tg@kart.edu.ua

Scopus Author ID 43461655800
ORCID 0000-0001-6305-7918
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Plakhtii Oleksandr Andriiovych

Main place of work: Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport
Position: associate professor of the department of power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics
Science degree: Cand.Sc. (Engineering)
Title: associate professor

Country: Ukraine

Phone:+38 (057) 730-10-76
E-mail: a.plakhtiy1989@gmail.com

Scopus Author ID 57200286872
ORCID 0000-0002-1535-8991
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Pohorletskyi Dmytro Serhiyovych

Main place of work: Kherson State Maritime Academy
Position: associate professor of the department of operation of ship power plants
Science degree: Cand.Sc. (Engineering)
Title: associate professor

Country: Ukraine

E-mail: pohorletskyi.dmytro@ksma.ks.ua

Scopus Author ID 57204670972
ORCID 0000-0002-1256-8053
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Pronina Olha Igorivna

Main place of work: SHEE "Priazovskyi state technical university"
Position: associate professor of the department of computer science
Science degree: Cand.Sc. (Engineering)
Title: associate professor

Country: Ukraine

Phone: +38 067 257 76 37

Scopus Author ID 57435731300
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Prus Viacheslav Viacheslavovich

Main place of work: Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskiy National University
Position: head of the department of electrical engineering
Science degree: Dsc (Engineering)
Title: associate professor

Country: Ukraine

Phone: +38-067-572-70-94

Scopus Author ID 15758118000
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Piatykop Olena Evgenivna

Main place of work: SHEE "Priazovskyi state technical university"
Position: associate professor of the department of computer science
Science degree: Cand.Sc. (Engineering)
Title: associate professor

Country: Ukraine

Phone:+38 098 112 86 69
E-mail: pyatikopalena@gmail.com

Scopus Author ID 57216897387
ORCID 0000-0002-7731-3051
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Sayenko Yuriy Leonidovich 

Main place of work: SHEE "Priazovskyi state technical university"
Position: the first vice-rector, professor of the department of automation of power supply and electric drive systems
Science degree: Dsc (Engineering)
Title: professor

Country: Ukraine

Phone: +38 (097) 738-06-34
E-mail: sayenko_y_l@pstu.edu

Scopus Author ID 57214167503
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Symonenko Roman Viktorovych

Main place of work: SE "DerzhavtotransNDIproekt"
Position: deputy head of the center for scientific research of complex transport problems
Science degree: Dsc (Engineering)
Title: associate professor

Country: Ukraine

Phone: +38 098 009 88 98
E-mail: rsymonenko@insat.org.ua

Scopus Author ID 57201635912
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Tarandushka Liudmyla Anatoliivna

Main place of work: Cherkasy state technological university
Position: head of the department of cars and technology of their operation
Science degree: Dsc (Engineering)
Title: professor

Country: Ukraine

Phone: +38 093 946 78 74
E-mail: tarandushkal@ukr.net

Scopus Author ID 57218094150
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Tkachov Viktor Vasylovych

Main place of work: Dnipro University of Technology
Position: professor of the department of cyberphysics and information and measurement systems
Science degree: Dsc (Engineering)
Title: professor

Country: Ukraine

Phone: (0562) 47-39-93
E-mail: tkachevv@ukr.net

Scopus Author ID 55999144100
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Khudiakov Igor Valentinovych

Main place of work: Kherson State Maritime Academy
Position: associate professor of the department of operation of ship power plants
Science degree: Cand.Sc. (Engineering)
Title: associate professor

Country: Ukraine


Scopus Author ID 57214246939
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Chabak Yuliia Hennadiyevna

Main place of work: SHEE "Priazovskyi state technical university"
Position: associate professor of the department of physics
Science degree: Cand.Sc. (Engineering)
Title: associate professor

Country: Ukraine

Phone: +38 097 218 16 72
E-mail: julia.chabak25@gmail.com

Scopus Author ID 55499289800
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Cheberiachko Yurіi Іvanovich

Main place of work: Dnipro University of Technology
Position: professor of the department of aerology and labour protection
Science degree: Dsc (Engineering)
Title: professor

Country: Ukraine

Phone: (056) 37-307-66
E-mail: cheberiachko.yu.i@nmu.one

Scopus Author ID 55217741300
ORCID 0000-0001-7307-1553
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Chuprinov Yevhen Valeriyovych

Main place of work: State University of Economics and Technology
Position: associate professor of the department of metalurgienic technologies
Science degree: Cand.Sc. (Engineering)
Title: associate professor

Country: Ukraine

E-mail: chuprynov_yv@duet.edu.ua

Scopus Author ID 56769874600
ORCID 0000-0001-8605-3434
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Shumylo Oleksandr Mykolayovych

Main place of work: Odessa National Maritime University
Position: vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work
Science degree: Cand.Sc. (Engineering)
Title: associate professor

Country: Ukraine

Phone: +38 (048) 728-31-20
E-mail: shumylo.alexander@gmail.com

Scopus Author ID 57211999743
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Executive secretary of the editorial office: Savenko Olga Serhiyivna

Main place of work: SHEE "Priazovskyi state technical university"
Science degree: Cand.Sc. (Engineering)

Country: Ukraine

Phone: +38 (098) 480-24-03
E-mail: savenko.olja@gmail.com

Scopus Author ID 57220863938
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