Dmitriy Demin

Director of TECHNOLOGY CENTER PC®. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Ukraine

Scopus profile: link
Researcher ID: E-5666-2016
Google Scholar profile:

Professional (scientific) interests: mathematical modeling and optimization of technological processes under uncertainty, applied aspects of fuzzy mathematics in optimal control problems, Optimal design of mechanical systems

Selected Publications:

  1. Domin, D., Lunin, D., Domina, O., Komyshan, A., Veski Saparali, K., Osadchyi, V.; Domin, D. (Ed.) (2022). The technology of scientific and practical communications: InGraph case study. Tallinn: Scientific Route OÜ, 184. doi:

  2. Demin, D., Sira, O., Raskin, (2021). Artificial orthogonalization of a passive experiment for a small sample of fuzzy data for constructing regression equations. InGraph. Available at:

  3. Demin, D., Sira, O., Raskin, (2021). Technology for constructing regression equations for a small sample of passive experiment data. InGraph. Available at:

  4. Demin, D., Domin, O. (2021). Adaptive technology for constructing the kinetic equations of reduction reactions under conditions of a priori uncertainty. EUREKA: Physics and Engineering, 4, 14–29. doi:

  5. Demin, D. (2020). Constructing the parametric failure function of the temperature control system of induction crucible furnaces. EUREKA: Physics and Engineering, 6, 19–32. doi:

  6. Demin, D., Schwickerath, H., Schwickerath, K. (2020). Network planning of the publishing process for the issue of the magazine. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5 (4(55)), 23–28. doi:

  7. Demin, D. (2019). Development of «whole» evaluation algorithm of the control quality of «cupola – mixer» melting duplex process. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3 (1(47)), 4–24. doi:

  8. Demin, D. (2018). Investigation of structural cast iron hardness for castings of automobile industry on the basis of construction and analysis of regression equation in the factor space «carbon (C) - carbon equivalent (Ceq)». Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3 (1(41)), 29–36. doi:

  9. Demin, D. (2017). Synthesis of optimal control of technological processes based on a multialternative parametric description of the final state. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3 (4 (87)), 51–63. doi:

  10. Mohanad, M. K., Kostyk, V., Domin, D., Kostyk, K. (2016). Modeling of the case depth and surface hardness of steel during ion nitriding. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2 (5 (80)), 45. doi:

  11. Demin, D. (2013). Control of the process of dispensing the melt in the melting and filling area of the casting shop. Bulletin of NTU “KhPI”, 56 (1029), 208–216.

  12. Demin, D. (2014). Quality Control at foundries technological aspects in selection of optimal strategies for technical re-equipment. Bulletin of NTU “KhPI”. Series: New desicions of modern technologies, 7 (1050), 42–52.

  13. Demin, D. (2014). Mathematical description typification in the problems of synthesis of optimal controller of foundry technological parameters. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1 (4 (67)), 43–56. doi:

  14. Demin, D. (2014). Computer-integrated electric-arc melting process control system. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2 (9 (68)), 18–23. doi:

  15. Demin, D. (2013). Upravlenie strukturoobrazovaniem v otlivkakh iz serogo chuguna s tceliu povyshennykh ikh germeticheskikh svoistv. Mashinostroenie, 12, 90–97.

  16. Demin, D. (2013). Mathematical modeling in the problem of searching for the optimal control of the process of producing alloys for machine parts under uncertainty conditions. Problemy mashinostroeniia, 5, 22–32.

  17. Demin, D. (2013). Adaptive modeling in problems of optimal control search termovremennoy cast iron. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6 (4 (66)), 31–37. doi:

  18. Demin, D. (2013). Sintez sistemy upravleniia impulsnym formoobrazovaniem v protcesse modernizatcii vstriakhivaiushche-pressovoi formovochnoi mashiny. Vіsnik NTU «KhPІ», 70 (1043), 107–116.

  19. Demin, D., Koval, O., Kostyk, V. (2013). Technological audit of modifying cast iron for casting autombile and road machinery. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5 (1 (13)), 58–63. doi:

  20. Demin, D. (2013). Modeliuvannia ta optymizatsiia upravlinnia protsesamy elektroplavky v umovakh nevyznachenosti. Kharkiv, 36.

  21. Demin, D. A. (2013). Artificial orthogonalization in searching of optimal control of technological processes under uncertainty conditions. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5 (9 (65)), 45–53. Available at:

  22. Demin, D. A. (2013). Nechetkaja klasterizacija v zadache postroenie modelej «Sostav–svojstvo» po dannym passivnogo jeksperimenta v uslovijah neopredeljonnosti. Problemy mashinostroenija, 16 (6), 15–23.

  23. Demin, D. A. (2012). Synthesis of optimal temperature regulator of electroarc holding furnace bath. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 6, 52–58. Available at:

  24. Seraya, O. V., Demin, D. A. (2012). Linear Regression Analysis of a Small Sample of Fuzzy Input Data. Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, 44 (7), 34–48. doi:

  25. Demin, D. A. (2012). Synthesis process control elektrodugovoy smelting iron. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2 (10 (56)), 4–9. Available at:

  26. Demin, D. A., Demina, E. B., Akimov, O. V. (2012). Resursosberegajushhie tehnologii litejnogo proizvodstva. Kharkiv: PE "Technology Center", 320.

  27. Demin, D. A. (2011). Evaluation of potential reserves of production for melting synthetic iron. Technology audit and production reserves, 1 (1 (1)), 15–24. doi:

  28. Seraia, O. V., Demin, D. A. (2010). Ocenka predstavitel'nosti usechennyh ortogonal'nyh podplanov plana polnogo faktornogo ieksperimenta. Sistemnі doslіdzhennia ta іnformacіinі tehnologіi, 3, 84–88.

  29. Demin, D. A., Katkova, T. I. (2010). Metod obrabotki maloi vyborki nechetkih rezul'tatov ortogonalizovannogo passivnogo ieksperimenta. Vіsnik Іnzhenernoi Akademіi, 2, 234–237.

  30. Raskin, L. G., Demin, D. A. (2010). Iskusstvennaia ortogonalizaciia passivnogo ieksperimenta v usloviiah maloi vyborki. Іnformacіino-keruiuchі sistemi na zalіznichnomu transportі, 1, 20–23.

  31. Demin, D. A. (2010). Sovershenstvovanie processov uprav leniia ielektroplavkoi. Vіsnik nacіonal'nogo tehnіchnogo unіversitetu «HPІ», 4, 33–44.

  32. Seraja, O. V., Demin, D. A. (2009). Ocenivanie parametrov uravnenija regressii v uslovijah maloj vyborki. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6 (4 (42)), 14–19. Available at:

  33. Domin, D. O., Mezentseva, I. O., Horbenko, V. V., Kamkina, L. V. (2006). Pat. 17244 UA. Sposib vyplavlennia kompleksnoi lihatury. MKP (2006) S22V 7/00 7 S22S/00. No. 2006 03291; declareted: 27.03.06; published: 15.09.06, Bul. No. 9, 3.

  34. Demin, D. A. (2006). Optimizacija tehnologicheskih rezhimov. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2 (1 (20)), 32–35.

  35. Demin, D. A., Bozhko, A. B., Zrajchenko, A. V., Nekrasov, A. G. (2006). Identifikaciia chuguna dlia opredeleniia racional'nyh rezhimov legirovaniia. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4 (1 (22)), 29–32.

  36. Demin, D. A. (2005). Modelirovanie kinetiki himsostava chuguna pri plavke v elektrodugovoi pechi. Vіsnik nacіonal'nogo tehnіchnogo unіversitetu «KhPІ», 27, 41–46.

  37. Demin, D. A. (2005). Optimizacija tehnologicheskogo processa v cehe predprijatija. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6 (4 (18)), 48–59.

  38. Demin, D. A. (2005). Diagnostika tehnologicheskogo processa. Rukovodstvo dlia tehnologa. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5 (1 (17)), 29–40.

  39. Demin, D. A. (2004). Optimizaciia rezhima raboty dugovoi ielektropechi pri plavke legirovannogo chuguna. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6 (12), 43–50.
  40. Demin, D. A., Pelikh, V. F., Ponomarenko, O. I. (1998). Complex alloying of grey cast iron. Litejnoe Proizvodstvo, 10, 18–19. Available at:

  41. Demin, D. A. (1998). Change in cast iron's chemical composition in inoculation with a Si-V-Mn master alloy. Litejnoe Proizvodstvo, 6, 35. Available at:

  42. Demin, D. A., Pelikh, V. F., Ponomarenko, O. I. (1995). Optimization of the method of adjustment of chemical composition of flake graphite iron. Litejnoe Proizvodstvo, 7-8, 42–43. Available at:

  43. Demіn, D. A. (1995). Deiakі aspekti upravlіnnia iakіstiu chavuna z plastinchastim grafіtom. Kharkiv, 181.