Dmitriy Demin
Director of TECHNOLOGY CENTER PC®. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Ukraine
Scopus profile: link
Researcher ID: E-5666-2016
Google Scholar profile: link
Professional (scientific) interests: mathematical modeling and optimization of technological processes under uncertainty, applied aspects of fuzzy mathematics in optimal control problems, Optimal design of mechanical systems
Selected Publications:
- Domin, D., Lunin, D., Domina, O., Komyshan, A., Veski Saparali, K., Osadchyi, V.; Domin, D. (Ed.) (2022). The technology of scientific and practical communications: InGraph case study. Tallinn: Scientific Route OÜ, 184. doi:
- Demin, D., Sira, O., Raskin, (2021). Artificial orthogonalization of a passive experiment for a small sample of fuzzy data for constructing regression equations. InGraph. Available at:
- Demin, D., Sira, O., Raskin, (2021). Technology for constructing regression equations for a small sample of passive experiment data. InGraph. Available at:
- Demin, D., Domin, O. (2021). Adaptive technology for constructing the kinetic equations of reduction reactions under conditions of a priori uncertainty. EUREKA: Physics and Engineering, 4, 14–29. doi:
- Demin, D. (2020). Constructing the parametric failure function of the temperature control system of induction crucible furnaces. EUREKA: Physics and Engineering, 6, 19–32. doi:
- Demin, D., Schwickerath, H., Schwickerath, K. (2020). Network planning of the publishing process for the issue of the magazine. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5 (4(55)), 23–28. doi:
- Demin, D. (2019). Development of «whole» evaluation algorithm of the control quality of «cupola – mixer» melting duplex process. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3 (1(47)), 4–24. doi:
- Demin, D. (2018). Investigation of structural cast iron hardness for castings of automobile industry on the basis of construction and analysis of regression equation in the factor space «carbon (C) - carbon equivalent (Ceq)». Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3 (1(41)), 29–36. doi:
- Demin, D. (2017). Synthesis of optimal control of technological processes based on a multialternative parametric description of the final state. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3 (4 (87)), 51–63. doi:
- Mohanad, M. K., Kostyk, V., Domin, D., Kostyk, K. (2016). Modeling of the case depth and surface hardness of steel during ion nitriding. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2 (5 (80)), 45. doi:
- Demin, D. (2013). Control of the process of dispensing the melt in the melting and filling area of the casting shop. Bulletin of NTU “KhPI”, 56 (1029), 208–216.
- Demin, D. (2014). Quality Control at foundries technological aspects in selection of optimal strategies for technical re-equipment. Bulletin of NTU “KhPI”. Series: New desicions of modern technologies, 7 (1050), 42–52.
- Demin, D. (2014). Mathematical description typification in the problems of synthesis of optimal controller of foundry technological parameters. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1 (4 (67)), 43–56. doi:
- Demin, D. (2014). Computer-integrated electric-arc melting process control system. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2 (9 (68)), 18–23. doi:
- Demin, D. (2013). Upravlenie strukturoobrazovaniem v otlivkakh iz serogo chuguna s tceliu povyshennykh ikh germeticheskikh svoistv. Mashinostroenie, 12, 90–97.
- Demin, D. (2013). Mathematical modeling in the problem of searching for the optimal control of the process of producing alloys for machine parts under uncertainty conditions. Problemy mashinostroeniia, 5, 22–32.
- Demin, D. (2013). Adaptive modeling in problems of optimal control search termovremennoy cast iron. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6 (4 (66)), 31–37. doi:
- Demin, D. (2013). Sintez sistemy upravleniia impulsnym formoobrazovaniem v protcesse modernizatcii vstriakhivaiushche-pressovoi formovochnoi mashiny. Vіsnik NTU «KhPІ», 70 (1043), 107–116.
- Demin, D., Koval, O., Kostyk, V. (2013). Technological audit of modifying cast iron for casting autombile and road machinery. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5 (1 (13)), 58–63. doi:
- Demin, D. (2013). Modeliuvannia ta optymizatsiia upravlinnia protsesamy elektroplavky v umovakh nevyznachenosti. Kharkiv, 36.
- Demin, D. A. (2013). Artificial orthogonalization in searching of optimal control of technological processes under uncertainty conditions. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5 (9 (65)), 45–53. Available at:
- Demin, D. A. (2013). Nechetkaja klasterizacija v zadache postroenie modelej «Sostav–svojstvo» po dannym passivnogo jeksperimenta v uslovijah neopredeljonnosti. Problemy mashinostroenija, 16 (6), 15–23.
- Demin, D. A. (2012). Synthesis of optimal temperature regulator of electroarc holding furnace bath. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 6, 52–58. Available at:
- Seraya, O. V., Demin, D. A. (2012). Linear Regression Analysis of a Small Sample of Fuzzy Input Data. Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, 44 (7), 34–48. doi:
- Demin, D. A. (2012). Synthesis process control elektrodugovoy smelting iron. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2 (10 (56)), 4–9. Available at:
- Demin, D. A., Demina, E. B., Akimov, O. V. (2012). Resursosberegajushhie tehnologii litejnogo proizvodstva. Kharkiv: PE "Technology Center", 320.
- Demin, D. A. (2011). Evaluation of potential reserves of production for melting synthetic iron. Technology audit and production reserves, 1 (1 (1)), 15–24. doi:
- Seraia, O. V., Demin, D. A. (2010). Ocenka predstavitel'nosti usechennyh ortogonal'nyh podplanov plana polnogo faktornogo ieksperimenta. Sistemnі doslіdzhennia ta іnformacіinі tehnologіi, 3, 84–88.
- Demin, D. A., Katkova, T. I. (2010). Metod obrabotki maloi vyborki nechetkih rezul'tatov ortogonalizovannogo passivnogo ieksperimenta. Vіsnik Іnzhenernoi Akademіi, 2, 234–237.
- Raskin, L. G., Demin, D. A. (2010). Iskusstvennaia ortogonalizaciia passivnogo ieksperimenta v usloviiah maloi vyborki. Іnformacіino-keruiuchі sistemi na zalіznichnomu transportі, 1, 20–23.
- Demin, D. A. (2010). Sovershenstvovanie processov uprav leniia ielektroplavkoi. Vіsnik nacіonal'nogo tehnіchnogo unіversitetu «HPІ», 4, 33–44.
- Seraja, O. V., Demin, D. A. (2009). Ocenivanie parametrov uravnenija regressii v uslovijah maloj vyborki. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6 (4 (42)), 14–19. Available at:
- Domin, D. O., Mezentseva, I. O., Horbenko, V. V., Kamkina, L. V. (2006). Pat. 17244 UA. Sposib vyplavlennia kompleksnoi lihatury. MKP (2006) S22V 7/00 7 S22S/00. No. 2006 03291; declareted: 27.03.06; published: 15.09.06, Bul. No. 9, 3.
- Demin, D. A. (2006). Optimizacija tehnologicheskih rezhimov. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2 (1 (20)), 32–35.
- Demin, D. A., Bozhko, A. B., Zrajchenko, A. V., Nekrasov, A. G. (2006). Identifikaciia chuguna dlia opredeleniia racional'nyh rezhimov legirovaniia. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4 (1 (22)), 29–32.
- Demin, D. A. (2005). Modelirovanie kinetiki himsostava chuguna pri plavke v elektrodugovoi pechi. Vіsnik nacіonal'nogo tehnіchnogo unіversitetu «KhPІ», 27, 41–46.
- Demin, D. A. (2005). Optimizacija tehnologicheskogo processa v cehe predprijatija. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6 (4 (18)), 48–59.
- Demin, D. A. (2005). Diagnostika tehnologicheskogo processa. Rukovodstvo dlia tehnologa. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5 (1 (17)), 29–40.
- Demin, D. A. (2004). Optimizaciia rezhima raboty dugovoi ielektropechi pri plavke legirovannogo chuguna. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6 (12), 43–50.
- Demin, D. A., Pelikh, V. F., Ponomarenko, O. I. (1998). Complex alloying of grey cast iron. Litejnoe Proizvodstvo, 10, 18–19. Available at:
- Demin, D. A. (1998). Change in cast iron's chemical composition in inoculation with a Si-V-Mn master alloy. Litejnoe Proizvodstvo, 6, 35. Available at:
- Demin, D. A., Pelikh, V. F., Ponomarenko, O. I. (1995). Optimization of the method of adjustment of chemical composition of flake graphite iron. Litejnoe Proizvodstvo, 7-8, 42–43. Available at:
- Demіn, D. A. (1995). Deiakі aspekti upravlіnnia iakіstiu chavuna z plastinchastim grafіtom. Kharkiv, 181.