Improvement of the model of temperature distribution and registration of native radiation of biological objects
temperature anomaly, thermal radiation, electromagnetic field, radiothermometry, multifrequency thermographyAbstract
Temperature is a reliable indicator of most physiological pathologies, since they are accompanied by disturbance of temperature balance. Non-invasive control of deep temperatures makes it possible to increase the efficiency of diagnosis. One of the promising methods of non-invasive measurement of deep temperatures is the method of radiothermometry, based on measuring the power of native radiation of the electromagnetic field on the surface of the human body. The model of the temperature distribution in the biological tissue has been improved in the case of a region of lower temperature taking into account the physiological processes of formation of thermal fields. During the analysis of the model, it has been established that at a depth of the temperature anomaly up to 2–3 cm, the temperature spots on the surface of the skin are distinguishable by the methods of infrared thermography. With this in mind, and also taking into account the penetrating power of electromagnetic waves, it is reasonable to choose the operating frequencies of the radiometer to 1.8 GHz. An improved model of temperature distribution makes it possible to estimate the integral temperature of a layer of biological tissue by electromagnetic radiation.
It has been shown that it is possible to determine the characteristics of the temperature anomaly region by numerical modeling of the formation of own electromagnetic radiation. The determination of two or more parameters of the temperature anomaly region is possible using a system of two or more equations, which is achieved by measuring the radiation power at different frequencies. A principle possibility of simultaneous determination of several parameters of the temperature anomaly, using a system of equations, has been considered very important. A working mathematical model has been created that makes it possible to solve the inverse problem of finding two parameters of the temperature anomaly with respect to the noise temperature measured at two frequencies. The next step is to study the multilayer model of biological tissueReferences
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