Determination of optimal transformation ratios of power system transformers in conditions of incomplete information regarding the values of diagnostic parameters
on-line diagnostics, optimal control, normal modes, active power losses.Abstract
On the base of damage rate analysis of power transformers and methods of EES modes control, the necessity of using the results of on-line diagnostics of LTC transformers not only for determinations of the expediency of further operation or equipment repair but also for calculation of optimal transformation coefficients (with account of the suggested RRCT) for their application in the process of modes control has been proved.
The mathematical model of RRCT is developed to by applying the methods of neural-fuzzy modeling, this model, taking into account both current and retrospective values of diagnostic parameters enables to study the impact of diagnostic parameters of RRCT and determine its current value, which is necessary for automatic and automated reliable and optimal control of EES modes.
The improved method of determination of optimal control actions, realized by the LTC transformers by means of comparative analysis of the results of calculation of EES modes with quasi-resistances of the circuit branches, enables to select the transformer and calculate transformation ratios that provide minimal losses of active power, minimal amount of LTC switching.
The error of RRCT determination by means of the developed mathematical fuzzy model as compared with the training sample of the model and the opinion of independent experts does not exceed the error of the devices, measuring diagnostic parameters.
Such results are explained by complex usage of probability theory methods, neuro-fuzzy modeling and modern software Matlab.
Such peculiarity of the suggested method of determining optimal control actions by LTC transformers, as the account of RRCT, in the process of EES mode control provides such advantages as reduction of the damage rate of the equipment, reduction of active power losses in EES. The peculiarities of the method of determining optimal control actions by LTC transformers, with the account of their technical state, open up the prospects of development and introduction of modern microprocessor-based systems of optimal automatic control of LTC transformers in EES.
Usage of quasi-resistors of circuit branches, which, unlike the transformers, used for calculation of nominal resistances of the lines, take into account the state of the transformers and possible losses of utility companies due to the possible damages, enables to calculate the EES mode in case of transformers transformation ratio change and by means of comparison of calculated power losses, select the most efficient transformer.
Further progress of the given research includes the development of mathematical models of other kinds of high voltage equipment involved in the process of ESS modes control, damage of which is possible.
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