Development of principles and method of electronic project management
electronic project management, electronic project manager, meta-methodology, resource managementAbstract
The principles of electronic project management (e-PM) implementation project-oriented enterprises are proposed. The decision-making tool in e-PM is the electronic project manager, which automates the project management process. The paper deals with the management of only those projects that can be clearly formalized in the planning and control of implementation: information resources creation and provision projects.
A method for managing the timing of the procedures implementation in information resource creation and provision projects is proposed. This method allows “compressing” and “stretching” the implementation of the project, depending on both the deadlines and those labor resources that are allocated to perform the procedures. The method execution example is given.
Electronic project management technology is implemented in the project information management system PrimaDoc-T. In this system, automatic project planning, documents (information) processing processes distribution, project documents archive maintenance are implementedReferences
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Copyright (c) 2017 Iurii Teslia, Nataliia Yehorchenkova, Oleksii Yehorchenkov, Yevhenia Kataieva, Hryhoriy Zaspa, Iulia Khlevna

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