Development of the method for creating explicit integral dynamic models of measuring transducers




integral dynamic model, pulse transition function, measuring transducer, differential equation


Increasing requirements to measuring transducers lead to the need to improve and propose alternatives of their mathematical description. The application in this case of differential equations of various types testifies to great computational complexity of the given problem statement. In this regard, constructively relevant are the methods for creating integral dynamic models of measuring transducers that enable expansion of the tools for computer simulation.

The method considered in present paper implies determining a pulse transient characteristic and leads to the formation of the operators (cores) of measuring transducers in the form of integral mathematical dependences, that is, explicit integral dynamic models.

The method of obtaining an analytic expression of the pulse transition function of measuring transducers with lumped parameters is represented as a solution to the homogeneous differential equation that corresponds to the specified non-homogeneous differential equation. This technique is easily illustrated on the examples of measuring transducers of the first and second order.

The principle of determining a pulse transient characteristic for measuring transducers with distributed parameters by the assigned equations in partial derivatives is the same as for the case with lumped parameters. 

Author Biographies

Alexander Sytnik, Cherkasy State Technological University Shevchenko blvd., 460, Cherkasy, Ukraine, 18006

PhD, Professor, Head of Department

Department of electrical engineering’s systems

Sergey Protasov, Cherkasy State Technological University Shevchenko blvd., 460, Cherkasy, Ukraine, 18006

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of electrical engineering’s systems

Konstantin Klyuchka, Cherkasy State Technological University Shevchenko blvd., 460, Cherkasy, Ukraine, 18006

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of electrical engineering’s systems


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How to Cite

Sytnik, A., Protasov, S., & Klyuchka, K. (2017). Development of the method for creating explicit integral dynamic models of measuring transducers. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(4 (89), 40–48.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects