Zoning in the Russian Federation to the carriage cargo from Ukraine


  • Петро Федорович Горбачов Kharkiv national automobile and highway university Petrovskoho street 25, Kharkiv, Postal Code: 61002, Ukraine
  • Тетяна В’ячеславівна Немна Kharkiv national automobile and highway university Petrovskoho street 25, Kharkiv, Postal Code: 61002, Ukraine




Return loading, exponential distribution, distance, empty run, transport zoning


The problem statement, theoretical basics and simulation results of transport operation zones in the territory of Russia have been given in order to define the most effective truck freight lines between Ukraine and Russia. The haulage contractors and forwarding offices involved in servicing onetime applications for freight transportation always face a problem of definition of the most challenging freight lines. While paying for one-way freight the advantageous decision making with regard to trucking always depends on many factors; the most complicated of them are considered to be the conditions of workload receipt at the cargo destination station.

Taking into consideration a random character of applications for freight transportation the probabilistic model has been constructed to define the boundaries of a transportation zone on the basis of the distribution law of the ranges of truck delivery for return loading in the Russian Federation. Proceeding from requirements set to the transportation zoning of the test object the procedure of formation of transportation zones that provides maximum probability of the arrival of loaded trucks to a city selected to be a zone center has been developed.

After zoning based on the developed technique has been done seven transportation zones in the territory of the Russian Federation that provide a maximum accuracy of the simulation of cargo trucking process and provide an opportunity for the determination of efficiency of the main freight lines on the Ukraine -Russia route have been marked out

Author Biographies

Петро Федорович Горбачов, Kharkiv national automobile and highway university Petrovskoho street 25, Kharkiv, Postal Code: 61002

Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, head of the Department

The Department of transport systems and logistics

Тетяна В’ячеславівна Немна, Kharkiv national automobile and highway university Petrovskoho street 25, Kharkiv, Postal Code: 61002


The Department of transport systems and logistics


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How to Cite

Горбачов, П. Ф., & Немна, Т. В. (2013). Zoning in the Russian Federation to the carriage cargo from Ukraine. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(3(62), 38–43. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2013.11713



Control systems