Determination model of rational variant of local operation of control station
Local operation, control station, operating conditions, artificial intelligence, objective functionAbstract
The operation of railway stations is based on rational organization of local railway stations. The study is devoted to the improvement of local management of rail transportation by developing a technology of rational distribution of an engine yard in operational conditions with elements of artificial intelligence and its further implementation at automated workplace.
The solution of the problem should be based on the development of a mathematical model of station service, included to the plan of formation of freight trains. According to this, we proposed an objective function of the mathematical model of the plan of local operation at a control station in the form of an integral indicator.
The formed mathematical model is the basis for the automated technology of determination of rational variant of operation of locomotives that serve local rail stations provided the minimization of wagon-hours downtime at intermediate and freight stations.
The proposed model is characterized by a fundamentally new approach to solution of optimization problems not only in the sphere of railway transport but also in other sectors of the industrial complex of UkraineReferences
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