Environmental safety of water disposal from settlements in view of emergencies


  • Ірина Віталіївна Хоренжая Ukrainian Research Institute of Ecological Problems, str. Bakulina 6, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166, Ukraine




Ways of water disposal, environmentally safe system of water disposal, regular and emergency situations


The article is devoted to the substantiation of constructive, operational and organizational measures used to transform the environmentally dangerous disposal of water into safe in Ukrainian settlements. It was proposed to implement five measures in order to create ecologically safe system of water disposal of a settlement. Study of each measure includes the substantiation of their necessity and the manner of their implementation. The main point is the development of a managed module, which will be added to the existing systems of water disposal for its transformation. In addition, the system under consideration is supposed to dispose and clean drainage waters generated in settlements. The article provides the results of reduction of discharges of pollutants from water disposal system to surface water objects when implementing all five proposed measures

Author Biography

Ірина Віталіївна Хоренжая, Ukrainian Research Institute of Ecological Problems, str. Bakulina 6, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166

Candidate for PhD


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How to Cite

Хоренжая, І. В. (2013). Environmental safety of water disposal from settlements in view of emergencies. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(11(62), 28–31. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2013.11727