Directions of standart system improvement of automated natural leather cutting
Cutting standards, computer aided means, scheme of standardsAbstract
The article deals with current standards of natural leather cutting. Shortcomings of modern standard system are shown, and also some problems of modern standard system of curvilinear details cutting are considered. Such stages of cutting as: leather rating, area definition, estimation of quality and quantity were chosen as stages that could mostly be automated. These stages under right production organization and introduction computer-aided means could be improved greatly both in reducing waste of time, and also in decreasing material inputs. Having analyzed current regulatory documents of providing process of curvilinear details cutting some missing standards are detected. A new structure of regulatory documents that takes into account detected shortcomings is suggested. The main stages of a new standard creation are suggested. Also researches that are necessary for a new standard creation are given. They are: researches of an object location in front of camera lens, average detail area and contour, giving advices of used background color, choosing optimal algorithm of image outline detection, making classification of curvilinear details depending on their curvature, and calculating permissible errors of curvilinear details while computer detectingReferences
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