A procedure for optimization of energy saving at higher educational institutions
heat supply, heat loss, АВС-XYZ-analysis, game theory, optimal mode of heat consumption, higher educational institutionsAbstract
A base of the methodology of optimization of an energy saving system in higher educational institutions of Ukraine is maintenance of a given level of thermal comfort. Its aim is the increase of HEI efficiency. The methodology of optimization of an energy saving system in higher educational establishments should be realized in two stages. At the first stage, we should carry out an energy audit of premises. The audit is a compilation of a balance of heat loss and heat supply of each HEI premise. At the second stage, we carry out optimization of energy saving and making managerial decision on loading of premises. We carry out optimization of energy saving by means of a model of optimal control of a thermal mode of premises with minimization of energy consumption for heating and energy loss.
The given methodology is substantiated and correct for estimation of potential efficiency of HEI premises and making up an energy-efficient plan for use of an auditorium during a heating period. We carried out a pilot testing of the energy saving system optimization project at Kyiv National University of Technology and Design. The testing confirmed a high level of its energy efficiency.
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