Risk analysis of the impact of malicious software on data security in modern cyberspace


  • Юрій Вікторович Копитін Regional information-analytical center of the Odessa Regional Council 4 Shevchenko avenue, Odessa, Ukraine, 65032, Ukraine




Risk, data security, cyberspace, scumware, vulnerability, threat, protection means


Despite the considerable amount of works dedicated to the issue of distribution of scumware, there is no risk-oriented research on the harmful effects of the scumware on the cyberspace. The article demonstrates the process of construction of a system of protection against the scumware, based on the mechanisms of information security risks control. The suggested variant of protection from the scumware will improve the level of data protection at the global level by coordinating the efforts of government and private sector. The conducted analysis of risks of impact of scumware on data security in the modern cyberspace showed that this threat is one of the most dangerous and can easily paralyze the work of all computers that have access to the Internet. Usage of the developed graphical model and the implementation of measures against the scumware will allow organizations to understand the scale of the problem and choose the best solution to ensure the protection of confidentiality, integrity and availability of electronic information

Author Biography

Юрій Вікторович Копитін, Regional information-analytical center of the Odessa Regional Council 4 Shevchenko avenue, Odessa, Ukraine, 65032

Deputy chief of information security department


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How to Cite

Копитін, Ю. В. (2013). Risk analysis of the impact of malicious software on data security in modern cyberspace. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(2(62), 45–51. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2013.12356



Information technology