Automation of building reliability models of redundant restorable complex technical systems


  • Богдан Андрійович Мандзій Lviv National Polytechnic University 12 S. Bandera Str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine
  • Леонід Деонісійович Озірковський Lviv National Polytechnic University 12 S. Bandera Str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine



Reliability model, fault-tolerant systems, set off states


Modern complex systems of responsible purposes are built as fault-tolerant systems, i.e. such systems have the ability to function while some of their separate elements have a fault. This feature is achieved by introduction of different kinds of redundancy (structural, algorithmic, time, etc.), which leads to complications of the algorithm of system internal behavior due to the introduction of the functions of monitoring, fault localization, switching and performance recovery system, resulting in the significant complication of the model of system reliability. The complexity of such fault-tolerant systems makes their reliability of greater dimension (of the order of tens till hundreds of thousand equations), which is almost impossible for their formation and analysis by hand. Therefore, the requires a high level of credibility and an appropriate level of formalization to built models are imposed on these models, which allows to implement the automation of their building and analysis of reliability using modern computer tools. The combination of analytical methods for the research of reliability and computing capability of modern computers is a promising direction for further development of methods of reliability theory. Experience shows that the "manual" building the state space of fault-tolerant systems even with a small number of elements (up to 10) without the use of software is a time-consuming process.

This article describes the procedure of automated development of the reliability models of complex technical systems, implemented in software module ASNA, which developed at the chair "Theoretical Radioengineering and Radiomeasurement" of Lviv National Polytechnic University

Author Biographies

Богдан Андрійович Мандзій, Lviv National Polytechnic University 12 S. Bandera Str., Lviv, 79013

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Theoretical Radio Engineering and Measuring

Леонід Деонісійович Озірковський, Lviv National Polytechnic University 12 S. Bandera Str., Lviv, 79013

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Department of Theoretical Radio Engineering and Measuring


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How to Cite

Мандзій, Б. А., & Озірковський, Л. Д. (2013). Automation of building reliability models of redundant restorable complex technical systems. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(4(62), 44–49.



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