Adaptation of the chaotic masking method for digital communication


  • Дмитро Анатолійович Вовчук Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University Kotsubunskiy 2, Chernivtsi , 58000, Ukraine
  • Сергій Дмитрович Галюк Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University Kotsubunskiy 2, Chernivtsi , 58000, Ukraine
  • Леонід Францович Політанський Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University Kotsubunskiy 2, Chernivtsi , 58000, Ukraine



Chaotic masking, digital signal, harmonic signal, power spectrum, Chua’s circuit


The modern state of telecommunications requires the development of new digital communication systems. The paper presents and investigates the scheme of digital transmission of information with the usage of chaotic masking. Recovery signal is based on diagnostication of the chaotic regime of synchronous response of the slave system to the synchrosignal of the driving system in their unidirection coupled communication. Chua’s circuit has been selected as chaos generator. The essence of the proposed changes to the classical scheme of transmission with the usage of chaotic masking is the introduction of additional generator of harmonic, chaotic or noise oscillations which initially modulates digital information signal, and then additionally is added in adder to the carrying signal.

The research has shown that the hiding increases with decrease of the amplitude of harmonic signal, and increase of its frequency to a value that does not exceed the practical width of the spectrum of carrying signal.

The power of the signal of desynchronization at low frequency of informational signal increases almost linearly with increasing amplitude at frequencies close to the limited frequency spectrum of a chaotic signal, the power of the desynchronization signal practically does not depend on the amplitude.

The results can be used for the construction of communication systems which use a chaotic signal as a carrying one.

The suitability of the proposed scheme for digital data exchange has been demonstrated and the conditions of reestablishment of the information in the receiver have been determined

Author Biographies

Дмитро Анатолійович Вовчук, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University Kotsubunskiy 2, Chernivtsi , 58000


Department of the Radio Engineering and Information Security

Сергій Дмитрович Галюк, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University Kotsubunskiy 2, Chernivtsi , 58000


Department of the Radio Engineering and Information Security

Леонід Францович Політанський, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University Kotsubunskiy 2, Chernivtsi , 58000


Department of the Radio Engineering and Information Security


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How to Cite

Вовчук, Д. А., Галюк, С. Д., & Політанський, Л. Ф. (2013). Adaptation of the chaotic masking method for digital communication. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(4(62), 50–55.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects