Single theory of movers. Turbo-jet engines thermodynamic cycle in co-ordinate P-V, T-S calculation


  • Борис Шамшадович Мамедов Zaporizhzhya National Technical University street Zhukovsky, 64, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69063, Ukraine



Thermodynamic cycle, zone of the slow down flow


The drawbacks of modern turbo-jet engines theory are considered that lead to mistaken turbo-jet engines work principle description on the basis of mistaken thermodynamic cycle. 

Turbo-jet engines thermodynamic cycle in co-ordinate P-V, T-S is the strategical foundation not only for turbo-jet engines work principal description but also for any kind of physical processes taking place on turbo-jet engines working. turbo-jet engines thermodynamic cycle which is worked out with the modern theory of air-jet engines is deeply mistaken since it absolutely has not reflected actual current of gas flow in H-B zone of turbo-jet engines violating with this all the laws of gases and fluid flow mechanics hence the point B can never be above the point H.

This mistake lead to mistaken turbo-jet working principle description as well as  to mistaken description of such a strategical notion as turbo-jet engines thrust generation and initiated on mistaken description of theoretical and physical basis of blades flow tear off generation on the last working wheels of high pressure compressor and then on the blades of the first working wheel of low pressure compressor that lead to mistaken description of full pressure preservation coefficient and etc.

Thermodynamic cycle in co-ordinate P-V, T-S investigations considered with single theory of movers on the continuous flows show that the air-engines flight speed can not exceed  with the temperature increasing in combustion chamber. To increase the flight speed of movers above of  for example up to  it is necessary to develop the movers which generate the thrust on gravitation field besis.

Author Biography

Борис Шамшадович Мамедов, Zaporizhzhya National Technical University street Zhukovsky, 64, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69063

Ph.D., Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Мамедов, Б. Ш. (2013). Single theory of movers. Turbo-jet engines thermodynamic cycle in co-ordinate P-V, T-S calculation. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(7(62), 29–34.



Applied mechanics