Developing the method of rational trucking routing based on the modified ant algorithm
rational route, trucking, modified ant algorithm, qualitative state of roads, throughput of route sectionsAbstract
The method of rational routing based on the modified ant algorithm with introduction of a quality function that characterizes the qualitative state of roads was proposed. Comprehensive assessment of potential routes takes into account practical throughput, actual state of the route sections and the vehicle traffic intensity.
The function of quality of the transportation process was formed. Formalization of the roadbed condition on selected sections of the route was proposed to be carried out with the use of a fuzzy set apparatus for describing the membership function. The roadway condition was estimated on the basis of empirical data and was reduced to the appropriate coefficients that characterize unsatisfactory, partially satisfactory and satisfactory road conditions. Description of practical throughput in individual sections of the designed routes was formalized. The probability of occurrence of vehicles of diverse types in the travel line was taken into consideration when determining theoretical throughput of road sections with a subsequent reducing to corresponding expert coefficients.
Introduction of additional parameters through the quality function into the model of ant algorithm makes it possible to improve its efficiency and expand possibilities for taking into account additional conditions of transportation, such as the road relief, existing service infrastructure, appearance of emergency road situations, climatic conditions, etc. The proposed approach may be useful in solving the synthesis problem since it will enable prompt taking into consideration complex and varying actual conditions of the transportation process.
Comparison of effectiveness of the classical and modified ant algorithm was carried out on the example of transportation routing from the point of departure to the point of destination on an example of a road network between Odesa and Dnipro. Implementation of the classical and modified algorithms proved effectiveness of the proposed approach and made it possible to determine the route that avoids road sections with unsatisfactory road conditions.
The proposed modified algorithm makes it possible to focus on not only the distance indicators but also on qualitative characteristics of the road. Calculations using the modified algorithm in the MATLAB programming environment have allowed us to determine the most rational route.
The results obtained in the study can later be used in the decision support systems for management in the process of rational routing. The proposed methodological approach can be useful in solving the synthesis problem since it will enable consideration of complicated and changing conditions of practical realization, in particular, in a real-time mode.
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