Design of polymer composite which is modeled the spheres and ellipsoids by criterion reconciliation of properties
Polymer composite, wear, polytetrafluoroethylene, carbon fibers, titanium carbide, optimization criterionAbstract
The model of composite material based on polymers is created which includes spherical and ellipsoidal particles. The description of the strategy to create a composite material based on polytetrafluoroethylene powders, carbon fiber and titanium carbide is presented. For the calculation were used the ellipsoidal particles of carbon fiber model and spherical particles of titanium carbide model. A parameter optimization of plastic and elastic properties of the composites, which are calculated based on the properties of the original ingredients, is entered. It is shown that it is statistically reliable linear link between the criterion reconciliation and wear resistance. Effect of hardening polymer by fillers during wear is observed only for certain polymers and fillers. The reason for this phenomenon is associated with a specific change of parameters physical and mechanical properties of polymers at introduction of fillers, the formation of an intermediate pellicle on the counterface and change of the topography of rough surfaces in friction against one track and absence of this possibility in friction on the new trailReferences
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