Thermodynamics and ways of improvement of refining technology of crude lead from copper
Lead, copper, pyrometallurgy, refining, sulfide reagentAbstract
As a result of the thermodynamic analysis of the pyrometallurgical refining of crude lead, we suggested the alternative sulfide reagent and substantiated usage of the most efficient energy source for the implementation of deep decoppering. We have drawn isothermal dependences of equilibrium solubility of sulfur and copper in the fused lead, which indicate the need to transfer the reaction stage of decoppering by sulfide formation to the area of lower temperatures up to close to the crystallization temperatures in order to reduce the consumption of expensive sulfury reagents. We have carried out the X-ray phase analysis of the products of gas purification of lead production in initial and fused state, on the basis of which we proved scientifically their application after high-temperature impact in the pyrometallurgical processing when refining crude lead from copper. The implementation of the proposed technological measures at the enterprises for lead and its alloys production will improve significantly the technical and economic parameters with the introduction in the process of sub-standard materialsReferences
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