Determination of coefficients of Lee-Wheaton equation for electrical conductivity of electrolyte solutions in MS Excel


  • Віталій Лукич Чумак National Aviation University Kosmonavta Komarova, 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680, Ukraine
  • Марія Романівна Максимюк National Aviation University Kosmonavta Komarova, 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680, Ukraine
  • Тетяна Володимирівна Нешта National Aviation University Kosmonavta Komarova, 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680, Ukraine
  • Юлія Сергіївна Босак National Aviation University Kosmonavta Komarova, 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680, Ukraine



Electrical conductivity, equation of Lee-Wheaton, interionic distance, association constant, objective function


The conductometric method of study of electrolyte solutions permits to explore solutions and obtain highly accurate results.

To describe the experimental conductometric solutions mathematically we have analyzed the possibility of application of Lee-Wheaton equation to describe the electrical conductivity of solutions 1 – 1 of electrolytes. For this purpose, we suggest using a superstructure Fitter for Microsoft Office Excel. The superstructure Fitter permits to assess the values of coefficients of complex equations specified by a user in algebraic form. We have also applied the optimization algorithm, which provides high accuracy for nonlinear models.

Using the superstructure, we have studied the effect of interionic distance on the objective function value by scanning the surface of the objective function by means of changing the parameters Ka and R in the global minimum subject to the minimum of the derivative of the objective function in the value λ0.

Based on the studies, it was concluded about the little impact of the parameter R on the value of the objective function, i.e. when calculating, one can use a fixed value of the interionic radius

Author Biographies

Віталій Лукич Чумак, National Aviation University Kosmonavta Komarova, 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680


Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology

Марія Романівна Максимюк, National Aviation University Kosmonavta Komarova, 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680


Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology

Тетяна Володимирівна Нешта, National Aviation University Kosmonavta Komarova, 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680


Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology

Юлія Сергіївна Босак, National Aviation University Kosmonavta Komarova, 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680

Postgraduate student

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology


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How to Cite

Чумак, В. Л., Максимюк, М. Р., Нешта, Т. В., & Босак, Ю. С. (2013). Determination of coefficients of Lee-Wheaton equation for electrical conductivity of electrolyte solutions in MS Excel. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(5(62), 59–63.