The thermal state of the ad motor at the reduce rotor speed
AD motor, thermal state, regulation, ampacity, slip, rotor, loss, current load, energy, transformationAbstract
Changing in the conditions of cooling in recursive short-time modes in wide range of rotor speed occurs under the exploitation of the crane electric drive based on AD motors. The aim of this article is to estimate the thermal state of the AD motor at low rotor speed, as well as comparative analysis execution of the AD motor ampacity calculated by the average loss of heat and equivalent thermal circuit (ETC) methods. Electrothermal model to consider peculiarities of electromagnetic energy transformation in thermal energy, heat transferring and heat interchanging processes was used for calculation and analysis of the thermal state of the AD motor by ETC method. Conducting evaluation of the thermal state of the AD motor with phase rotor by regulation of additional resistance under continuous (S1) and recursive short-time (S3) modes showed an increasing temperature in the range of large slip of the AD motor at the end investigation. Hence, the limiting values of current load of the AD motor were defined by ETC and average loss of heat methods. It was proved, that the definition of the AD motor ampacity by average loss of heat method led to underutilization of AD motor powerReferences
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