Using quality indicators for assessment of occupational safety organization in power industry
Power industry, occupational safety, statistics, quality controlAbstract
The article examines the statistical characteristics of the occupational safety organization at one of the Ukrainian nuclear power plants. The object of the study was the organization of control of awareness of the personnel of operational department on safety rules. Using the package STATISTICA and checklists, we have assessed quality and determined the basic reasons for its deterioration. There are conclusions about the possibility of usage in quality control of methods and tools, traditionally accepted for assessment of the quality of industrial plants and their products.
The article considers priorities in distribution of causes of quality deterioration of the system operation. The results of the statistical analysis of the characteristics were summarized in the form of recommendations of the appropriate structure of factor features (categories) of the occupational safety control system at power plants. These recommendations can significantly improve the efficiency of control of departments, ensuring reliability and culture of power plantsReferences
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