The method of forming the signaling constructions based on a set of mutually orthogonal chaotic signals


  • Володимир Вікторович Корчинський Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications Kovalska str., 1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029, Ukraine



Chaotic signal, orthogonality, confidential, signature


Most modern methods of information protection from unauthorized access are implemented mainly at the upper levels of the OSI reference model. The cryptographic methods of information security are used for this purpose. They are aimed to increase the information secrecy of confidential data, which serve for the storage or transmission by the communication channel.

Another important task is the protection of transferable information from unauthorized access at the first level of the OSI model. This problem is particularly urgent when ensuring the security of a wireless network security (for example, standard RadioEthernet), as on a physical level it is the most vulnerable to interception of messages transmitted to means of unauthorized access.

The introduction of the dynamical chaos into the area of information and communication technologies has opened new perspectives for the creation of the effective systems of encryption, as well as has increased the possibility of the synthesis of signal constructions which could provide potentially high structural secrecy of transmission at the level of physical channel. We have created various methods of formation of signal constructions based on a given set of mutually orthogonal chaotic signals. However, researches in this area have shown a new perspective on improvement of the method for the problem of increase of structural secrecy of transferable signal constructions. The purpose of the article is to develop a method of formation of the signal constructions based on a set of variable combinations of mutually orthogonal chaotic sequences

Author Biography

Володимир Вікторович Корчинський, Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications Kovalska str., 1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Information Security and Data


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How to Cite

Корчинський, В. В. (2013). The method of forming the signaling constructions based on a set of mutually orthogonal chaotic signals. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(9(62), 21–24.



Information and controlling system