Analysis and estimation accompanying risk of the provision quality to design product


  • Ірина Володимирівна Лазько Eastern National University. Vladimir Dahl Kosmonavtov, 18, Severodonetsk, Ukraine, 93400, Ukraine



Risk, quality assurance, design production, threat, weight of consequences, risk index


Since the implementation of a project to a large extent takes place under conditions of uncertainty and risk, is it necessary to identify, analyze and evaluate risks, to choose methods of their processing, to develop and to take steps to reduce these risks, and to control and evaluate the results of implemented measures. This approach of risk management in the design is specified in the Guide for quality management in projects and in the Guide for the Code of knowledge about project management. The article presents the solution of the following problems. First, using "brainstorming", we have defined factors of risks and threats of quality assurance of design production (according to four directions). Then, using the scale of probability of risks and the scale of consequences of risks, we have carried out an expert assessment of risks and have calculated risk index. We have constructed the matrix of indices of risks of quality assurance of design production and suggested measures concerning the handling of risks in accordance with the received indices. The assessment of potential risks of quality assurance of design production provide the conclusion that unacceptable risks are connected with incomplete and inaccurate input information, inadequate and irregular funding, and complexity of the application of new technologies

Author Biography

Ірина Володимирівна Лазько, Eastern National University. Vladimir Dahl Kosmonavtov, 18, Severodonetsk, Ukraine, 93400

Manager by the group of standardization and management by quality of LTD "Khimtechnologya"

Senior lecturer


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How to Cite

Лазько, І. В. (2013). Analysis and estimation accompanying risk of the provision quality to design product. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(10(62), 4–7.



Applied Information Technology