Improvement of reliability of fire engineering equipment based on a jet-niche technology




flame stabilizer, burner device, «poor» flameout, fuel distribution, liquefied gas


The obtained results address the solution to problems on enhancing the reliability and operation efficiency of fuel consuming equipment at industrial and power engineering facilities in the course of low-cost modernization through the introduction of effective fuel combustion technology.

Using statistical methods of experiment planning, regression dependences of boundaries of the detachment work of burners were obtained. Solving the optimization problems for the derived functions made it possible to select the values of fuel distribution parameters for natural and liquefied gases with the purpose of decreasing the operation technical minimum of FE loading. As a result, possibilities of starting the equipment at gas pressure Рstart=10 Pа were achieved and minimally possible workload of FE was decreased up to 5…10 % of the nominal, which corresponds to the coefficient of working load regulation KR>10. The presented results on improvement of starting characteristics of burners, as well as reserving of natural gas by liquefying will make it possible to ensure reliability of FE operation. A decrease in starting consumption minimizes the possibility of gas contamination of the furnace space (explosiveness) and decreases thermal intensity of FE elements, preventing the thermal «shock» on the heat exchange surface of the equipment.

Author Biographies

Michael Abdulin, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Politechnic Institute» Peremohy ave., 37, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of heat and power plants of thermal and nuclear power plants

Alex Siryi, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Politechnic Institute» Peremohy ave., 37, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056


Department of heat and power plants of thermal and nuclear power plants

Andrew Zhuchenko, Production Association "SNT" ("Stream-Niche Technology") Kyrylivska str., 102, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04080

PhD, engineering manager

Alexis Abdulin, Production Association "SNT" ("Stream-Niche Technology") Kyrylivska str., 102, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04080

Lead engineer


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How to Cite

Abdulin, M., Siryi, A., Zhuchenko, A., & Abdulin, A. (2018). Improvement of reliability of fire engineering equipment based on a jet-niche technology. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(8 (92), 12–19.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment