Forecasting the demand for the education market of high schools


  • Світлана Петрівна Онищенко Odessa National Maritime University Str. Mechnikov, 34, Odessa 65011, Ukraine
  • Олег Володимирович Логінов Odessa National Maritime University Str. Mechnikov, 34, Odessa 65011, Ukraine



University, education market, demand, forecasting


The article is devoted to the problem of forecasting of the demand at the market of educational services of universities. The article regards modern state of the educational market of universities in Ukraine, and characterizes the specificity of educational services. The problem of the demand forecasting was considered at two levels - the state level in general and the level of a particular university. We have identified the system of macroeconomic factors affecting the number of university entrants. We have carried out a correlation and regression analysis, which helped to identify the power of influence of macroeconomic factors and to obtain the regression equation describing the demand for educational services across the country. We suggested the formula of estimation of the demand for educational services of a particular university, based on the classic marketing approach to estimation of the capacity of the market. The results can be used to work out the development projects of universities

Author Biographies

Світлана Петрівна Онищенко, Odessa National Maritime University Str. Mechnikov, 34, Odessa 65011

Doctor of  Economics, Associate Professor

Head od Department "Organization of customs control on transport"

Олег Володимирович Логінов, Odessa National Maritime University Str. Mechnikov, 34, Odessa 65011

Senior lecturer

Department of "Transportation Law


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How to Cite

Онищенко, С. П., & Логінов, О. В. (2013). Forecasting the demand for the education market of high schools. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(10(62), 10–17.



Applied Information Technology