Analysis of stochastic characteristics for carrier sense multiple access
Subscriber station, access, demand, timeslot, conflict, indicator of channel useAbstract
The article considers the combined access method CSMA TDMA with a carrier sense and distribution of information flows in time with respect to sensor networks. The article also analyzes its effectiveness on the basis of the probability model of an indicator of the efficient channel use.
We have obtained a quantitative assessment of the indicator of the efficient channel use, which permits to analyze the effectiveness of the access method with increase of user traffic. The analysis showed the characteristic smooth decline in the use of the channel when increasing active sensors, subscriber stations, etc.
Using the results, it is possible to choose the considered combined access method CSMA TDMA or random method of multiple access with double exponential delay, which has an advantage in areas of relatively low loads.
It was shown that with the increase of a load, one should proceed to the regular methods of accessReferences
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