Conception of synthesis evolution of multiagent information and measurement systems of human rehabilitation process after traumatism


  • Олена Сергіївна Нестругіна Donetsk National Technical University Vysotskogo str., 13/ 2., Donetsk, Ukraine, 83117, Ukraine
  • Катерина Юріївна Ларіна Donetsk National Technical University Artema str., 118/5, Donetsk, Ukraine, 83048, Ukraine
  • Ніна Іванівна Чичикало Donetsk National Technical University Artema str., 118/6, Donetsk, Ukraine, 83048, Ukraine



Spinal column curvature S-Control, loads R-control, maximum likelihood, traumatism repercussion, rehabilitation period


A concept of the information and measurement systems (IMS) rehabilitation process construction on the scientific measuring instruments basis use, experimental research and modeling is proposed. After carrying out the therapeutic measures IMS include functions of measurement, identifying quantitative data and objects state analysis and transmission to decision making person to evaluate the rehabilitation period, to take decision, to ensure efficiency. By means of functional subsystems IMS ensures (OP-agents: S-Control, R-Control) implementation of measurement functions S- spinal column curvature and R-location control and the level of the resultant of the lower extremities. In this case, each subsystem has a specific structure, algorithms and is based on maximum likelihood, are carried in automated or other modes. Variety of subsystems are implemented in LabVIEW environment. Each option displays the specific elements of the composition: measurement tools, methods of realization, information technologies and display systems. Task of variant choosing is based on the selected criteria of composition optimization with use of information, functional and dynamic models

Author Biographies

Олена Сергіївна Нестругіна, Donetsk National Technical University Vysotskogo str., 13/ 2., Donetsk, Ukraine, 83117

Department assistant

Department of Radio Engineering and Information Protection

Катерина Юріївна Ларіна, Donetsk National Technical University Artema str., 118/5, Donetsk, Ukraine, 83048

Candidate of Technical Sciences, The senior Researcher

"Electronic Systems" department

Ніна Іванівна Чичикало, Donetsk National Technical University Artema str., 118/6, Donetsk, Ukraine, 83048

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

"Electronic Systems" department


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How to Cite

Нестругіна, О. С., Ларіна, К. Ю., & Чичикало, Н. І. (2013). Conception of synthesis evolution of multiagent information and measurement systems of human rehabilitation process after traumatism. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(10(62), 49–55.



Applied Information Technology