Analysis of influence of technical features of a pid­controller implementation on the dynamics of automated control system




PID controller, integral saturation, noise filtering, differentiator, nonimpact transmission


Under conditions of intensification and maximization of production profitability, a problem of regulation, optimization and improvement of the structure of automatic control systems arises. To date, there are many topical problems associated with the practical implementation of the PID controller, e.g. unification of the PID controller structure, implementation of a differential component, integral saturation and nonimpact switching of parameters and operating modes.

Influence of nonlinearities, noise, disturbances, functions, and peculiarities of the PID controller on dynamics of the automatic control system was studied. It was shown that for the maximum efficiency of implementation of the PID controller for controlling inertial objects with a transportation lag, a complex approach must be applied: limiting the rate of growth of the target disturbance and conditional integration to eliminate integral saturation; simultaneous application of an exponential filter of the measured value and a differentiator with a low-cut filter to minimize the effect of noise and interferences on the transient processes; tracing the current state of the system allows one to prevent an "impact" when changing the operating modes of the PID controller; introduction of the controller insensitivity zone will potentially provide a longer operation life of the actuator.

Mathematical modeling of the system of automatic regulation of rarefaction in the boiler furnace was performed taking into account the proposed set of solutions. These recommendations enable implementation of a PID controller suitable for practical use taking into account stochasticity, nonlinearity, quasi-stationarity and limitations of the technological processes.

Integrated assessment and consideration of these problems will contribute to improving efficiency and reliability of equipment, reducing energy consumption and time to reach the set goal in the process of automatic regulation without changing the structure of the control system.

Author Biographies

Oleksandr Stepanets, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” Peremohy ave., 37, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Automation of heat-and-power engineering processes

Yurii Mariiash, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” Peremohy ave., 37, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056

Department of Automation of heat-and-power engineering processes


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How to Cite

Stepanets, O., & Mariiash, Y. (2018). Analysis of influence of technical features of a pid­controller implementation on the dynamics of automated control system. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(2 (93), 60–69.