Semantic annotations similarity measure to compare processes profiles


  • Олена Леонідівна Шевченко Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Lenina 16, Kharkov, 61166, Ukraine



Semantic profile, similarity measure for semantic annotations, LCA, OWL-S


Improved method to calculate similarity measure for semantic ontological graph annotations is introduced in the article. Nodes of such a graph are concepts of problem area ontology and edges – relations among them. The method proposed can be used to improve synthesis of structural procedural program schemas based on semantic computing networks. Improved synthesis method takes into account not only computation relations among network components but their semantic annotation, that formalizes the aim of the software component.

By integrating such semantic annotations ontology into top level OWL-S ontology one can use introduced metric to discover or recommend web-service by their detailed profile and user’s request

Author Biography

Олена Леонідівна Шевченко, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Lenina 16, Kharkov, 61166

PhD, Assoc. Prof.

Department of Program Engineering


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How to Cite

Шевченко, О. Л. (2013). Semantic annotations similarity measure to compare processes profiles. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(2(63), 48–52.



Information technology