The synthesis of thermite heat and heat-resistant steels


  • Юрій Юрійович Жигуц Uzhgorod National University Str. Pidgirna, 46, Uzhgorod, Ukraine, 88000, Ukraine



Metallothermy, mechanical properties, heat-resistant steel


The present paper the basic solutions to the problem of obtaining heat-resistant steels examined the use of thermite steels, the benefits of combining thermite steels with metallotermic methods of getting is showed. The advantages of metallotermic synthesis methods include: autonomy of processes, independence of energy sources, simplicity of equipment, high-performance process and easy transition from experimental research to industrial production. The need to developed the technology of synthesis thermite heat-resistant steels, as a result of aluminothermic reactions and establishment of technological features’ of synthesis it all led. At the first phase of the study of chemical composition of the synthesized heat-resistant steels is determined. In continuation of studies microstructure, mechanical and technological tests were performed. Technological features of the synthesis process and the impact of components exothermic reaction were revealed. The result of comprehensive research was the development of fusion technology thermite heat-resistant steel “12ХМФ”, “15ХМФ”, “12Х2МФБ”, “25Х2МФ”, setting of the charge for the synthesis of the specified steel, revealing the microstructure and mechanical properties of thermite steels, the research of technological properties of steel, namely the casting of properties and effects on the structure of individual alloying elements. In addition, the author has set the limits and boundaries of creep for thermite steel and their dependence on temperature

Author Biography

Юрій Юрійович Жигуц, Uzhgorod National University Str. Pidgirna, 46, Uzhgorod, Ukraine, 88000

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

The Department of Mechanical Engineering


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How to Cite

Жигуц, Ю. Ю. (2013). The synthesis of thermite heat and heat-resistant steels. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(5(63), 46–50.