Impact of environmental factors on physical capacity of work
Environmental factors, effect, physical capacity of work, vegetative index, meteosensitivityAbstract
The article presents the study of the influence of environmental factors on physical capacity of work for the development of disease prevention and preservation of human efficiency under critical weather conditions. Assessment of intensity of these factors was carried out on the basis of individual weather elements and integrated pathogenicity indices, level of irritation, severity and variability of the weather. The study of the effects of weather was carried out by questionnaires, introspection, experiments with the use of physical activity, physiological methods, the results of which were treated statistically. We have studied the meteosensitivity of professional athletes and students, which showed very high level of it and its seasonal dependence. The relationship between individual weather elements, their combinations and the condition of the body and capacity of work was revealed. It was determined that the effect of weather conditions on the physical capacity is stipulated by the initial state of the organism and severity of work. It was proved that the most significant impact has the daily temperature gradient, severity and pathogenicity of weather. The appropriateness of the use of the vegetative index for the body self-control during the severe weather was explained. It was found that the index reflects the functional state of the organism during the negative impact of weather and depends on the degree of physical activity. It was shown that the significantly effect has the temperature gradient and severity weather. The results made it possible to identify additional adverse exogenous effects on physical capacity of work of healthy people. They can be used to optimize exercise in athletes training techniques and to develop preventive measures for occupations involving heavy physical workReferences
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