Morphometric variability of black sea acartia: approaches to assessment of morphological variability


  • Оксана Олександрівна Гарбазей Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas. A.O. Kovalevsky National Academy of Sciences Nakhimovа, 2, Sevastopol, Ukraine, 99011, Ukraine
  • Юлія Анатоліївна Загородня Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas. A.O. Kovalevsky National Academy of Sciences Nakhimovа, 2, Sevastopol, Ukraine, 99011, Ukraine



The Black Sea, Сopepods, morphological variability, environmental conditions


The article discusses the application of specific morphometric traits of Acartia to solve issues related to taxonomy, systematics and ecology. Despite the great attention to this problem, there was no a complete morphological study with the statistical analysis of the revealed intraspecific differences. The main purpose of this study is to develop methodological approaches to assessment of morphological variability. The full morphometric analysis of a large number of parameters of specimen with subsequent statistical processing revealed markers that can be used in the analysis of populations in different directions. In the Black Sea we carried out the comprehensive studies including analysis of the variability of one species of the four areas, three different species; examined the morphological variability in females and males, and identified the most sensitive (variable) parameters. These results can be used in the classification of aquatic organisms to any species. The development of eco-morphological research in copepods is promising for the evaluation and prediction of the state of their populations in terms of different anthropogenic pressure. Therefore, the results of research can be used also to monitor environmental conditions

Author Biographies

Оксана Олександрівна Гарбазей, Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas. A.O. Kovalevsky National Academy of Sciences Nakhimovа, 2, Sevastopol, Ukraine, 99011

PhD. Student, senior engineer

department of Plankton

Юлія Анатоліївна Загородня, Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas. A.O. Kovalevsky National Academy of Sciences Nakhimovа, 2, Sevastopol, Ukraine, 99011

Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow

department of Plankton


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How to Cite

Гарбазей, О. О., & Загородня, Ю. А. (2013). Morphometric variability of black sea acartia: approaches to assessment of morphological variability. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(11(63), 16–20.