Problem of typification of synoptic processes over the eastern regions of Ukraine


  • Світлана Олександрівна Зубкович Kharkiv hydrometeorological college Odessa state environmental university Kooperativnaya 10, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61003, Ukraine



Synoptic process, wind speed, macroscale circulation, axis of extratropical maximum


The article discusses the typification of synoptic processes in the meteorology and presents some results of the research in this area. The main purpose is to study the synoptic processes, forming the modern wind regime over the eastern regions of Ukraine. To make a list of the major types and subtypes of the above processes we have analyzed daily pressure topography maps for 10-year period using statistical methods and the analogy method. As we know, the flat territory of the eastern Ukraine contributes to the spread of air masses from the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea and at the same time does not prevent the invasion of continental air masses.The climate change can be traced through the regional changes in atmospheric circulation. The list of synoptic processes in the eastern Ukraine may be directed at strengthening of innovation processes in the meteorology and at the study of the influence of macro-circulation factors forming the wind patterns of the area.

The article reveals the prevalence of types with significant pressure gradient over the eastern regions of Ukraine in the cold half of the year, resulting in more intense surface wind in winter and autumn. The represented distribution of types of macro-processes is a characteristic feature of the eastern Ukraine, in contrast to its southern regions, where peripheral processes prevail (type 1 and 4).

Author Biography

Світлана Олександрівна Зубкович, Kharkiv hydrometeorological college Odessa state environmental university Kooperativnaya 10, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61003

 Post-graduate student

Department of  synoptic  forecast


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How to Cite

Зубкович, С. О. (2013). Problem of typification of synoptic processes over the eastern regions of Ukraine. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(11(63), 26–29.