Environmental risk of deterioration of the modern condition of urban areas
Algorithm, environmental risk, comprehensive assessment, environmental hazard, urban areasAbstract
The problem of establishing causal links between the environment and human health is one of the leading among social problems, and the experience of its solution in the developed countries for over three decades proves its importance and urgent need for its inclusion to the state administration system of environmental activity.
It should be noted that the relation between the state of the environment and the emergence of disease is impossible, since public health is influenced not only by poor quality of environment, but also professional factors, lifestyle, social factors, etc. To assess their combined and joint effect on human health is extremely difficult because there are interactions between substances that increase or decrease their joint effect.
Therefore, the authors proposed an algorithm for calculation of the comprehensive assessment of environmental hazards in urban areas, based on the method of assessment of risk to public health, developed under the guidance of Professor S. M. Novikov and approach of EPA USA of assessement of carcinogenic and non carcinogenic risks to public health adapted to the Ukrainian realia.
The article considers the points of the algorithm and analyzes the causes and hazards of pollution in urban areas.
The presented approach for comprehensive assessment of environmental hazards in urban areas permits to determine the appropriateness and priority of implementation of environmental and sanitation measures to minimize the deterioration of urban areas in the existing anthropogenic pressure, ensuring comfort and prevention of emergenciesReferences
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