Reference source of the radon-222 for modern technology of environmental monitoring in radioactive waste storages
Environmental monitoring, reference source of the radon-222, metrological characteristics independent of environmental parametersAbstract
The article describes a reference source of the radon-222 created to solve the problem of probability of environmental monitoring of the radon-222 in storages of radioactive wastes, uranium mines, geodynamic landfills over the study of portents of earthquakes.
The main objective of the study is to develop a modern technology of environmental radon monitoring using the built-in reference sources of the radon-222 with the metrological characteristics independent of environmental parameters - temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, and background radiation.
We have studied theoretically the temperature field of the container filled with a standard sample of uranium ore, U-768C for a number of container materials (stainless steel, titanium, tungsten) and the conditions of heat emission of heated standard sample of U-768C in the camera of accumulation of the radon-222. Optimal conditions of emanation of the radon-222 from the standard sample of the uranium ore U-768C were provided in a container made of stainless steel, which permitted to create the original source of the radon-222 for calibration of measuring instruments of volume activity of the radon-222 in the fieldReferences
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