Rationalization technologies of grain transportation


  • Віктор Миколайович Нефьодов Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University Str. Petrovsky, 25, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine
  • Юлія Анатоліївна Ткаченко Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University Str. Petrovsky, 25, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine




Grain transportation, compensator, technology, technological chain, harvester, crop, field area


The task to improve the technology of grain transportation is given. Having analysed all the approaches given in the scientific sources the method of transshipment using a compensator is proposed, which means the technology where a number of grain harvester combines is moving on the field to the point of unloading and where a track- truck that is a transfer is waiting. In the point of unloading the grain contained in the combines is transshipped into a transfer, which is after being loaded is further taken to the edge of the field and then this grain is transshipped into the vehicles.

The usage of compensators allows the combines to be unloaded immediately after filling a hopper and the vehicles to be loaded after arriving on the field, such compensators as transfers solve the problem of soil consolidation by the vehicles of high load – carrying capacity which is effective at grain transportation.

Using Newton’s method the optimum values of the model parameters due to which the minimization of the aim function is achieved are defined. The mathematical model of grain transportation was received. Optimization results in minimum time expenditure to gather the grain achieved at the 9 meters width of a harvesting machine, 10 ton load-carrying capacity and 37 kph technical speed

Author Biographies

Віктор Миколайович Нефьодов, Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University Str. Petrovsky, 25, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002

Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

The Department for Transport Technology

Юлія Анатоліївна Ткаченко, Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University Str. Petrovsky, 25, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002


The Department for Transport Technology


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How to Cite

Нефьодов, В. М., & Ткаченко, Ю. А. (2013). Rationalization technologies of grain transportation. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(3(63), 13–15. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2013.14673



Control systems