Modeling of effect of topological structure on characteristics of spike neural network


  • Анатолій Антонович Шиян Vinnitsa National Technical University Khmelnitskoe shosse 95, Vinnitsa, 21021, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Вікторія Сергіївна Іваненко Vinnitsa National Technical University Khmelnitskoe shosse 95, Vinnitsa, 21021, Ukraine, Ukraine



Spike, neural network, topology, way, data processing, distribution, receptor motoneuron


Despite the active study of the spike neural networks, little attention has been paid to the effect of the topological organization of such networks on the efficiency of information transformation. This article proposed an approach to modeling the effects of the neural network topology on the behavior of a spike neuron, which makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of information transformation. To do this, the notion of a set of ways of distribution of spike signal through the neural network was introduced. The models are constructed to describe the effect of the neural network topology on a detached neuron for the two cases. It was shown that the spike neural network has both minimum and maximum sizes, which depend on the characteristics of the network, as well as on the specificity of the operation of the spike neuron. The results provide new ways for explaining the functioning of the natural neural networks and for building the effective artificial neural networks (e.g. for pattern recognition, or for managing technical objects)

Author Biographies

Анатолій Антонович Шиян, Vinnitsa National Technical University Khmelnitskoe shosse 95, Vinnitsa, 21021, Ukraine

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science

Вікторія Сергіївна Іваненко, Vinnitsa National Technical University Khmelnitskoe shosse 95, Vinnitsa, 21021, Ukraine


Department of Metrology and Industrial Automatics


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How to Cite

Шиян, А. А., & Іваненко, В. С. (2013). Modeling of effect of topological structure on characteristics of spike neural network. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(3(63), 19–21.



Control systems