Neuro-fuzzy control of precision and stability of mechanical wordpart procedures
Neuro-fuzzy control, prognostication, accuracy, stability, technological process, mechanical proceduresAbstract
The abstract presents the results of research and grounds the application of neuro-fuzzy approach to control of accuracy and stability indices of technological processes according to the suggested multi-criteria prognostication of the industrial product quality.
It was shown that under stochastic uncertainty of information about the process for the high quality of manufactured goods, it is necessary to use simultaneously the straight-grained prognostic neural network models and fuzzy inference, based on piecewise linear membership functions with the least error of data conversion.
The integrated study and obtained results of simulation modeling provided that the application of suggested complex adaptive model of control system allows getting the required accuracy of the quality characteristic of product manufacturing irrespective of indices of parameters of law of its static distribution and temporal changesReferences
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