Study of characteristics of groundwater level changing via the mathematical modeling


  • Елена Александровна Стрельникова A.M. Pidhorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems NAS of Ukraine, vul. Pozharskoho, 2/10, Kharkiv, Ukraine 61046, Ukraine
  • Елена Николаевна Серикова A.M. Pidhorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems NAS of Ukraine, vul. Pozharskoho, 2/10, Kharkiv, Ukraine 61046, Ukraine



additional infiltration, flooding of urban area, , mathematical model


To calculate the uniform rise of ground waters level throughout Kharkov and to determine a year of flooding of the urban areas a mathematical model has been developed. It takes into account the following components of the water balance: additional infiltration into ground waters, precipitation, infiltrating into ground waters, transpiration, evaporation, water taking from ground waters. To calculate the time after which the water level will reach the norm of drainage it is sufficient in this model to take as a point of reference a specific depth of the groundwater level at a particular area and set the size of the investigated area. The developed approach permits to apply numerical methods of assessment to predict the changing of the groundwater level in urban areas, taking into account various natural and anthropogenic factors

Author Biographies

Елена Александровна Стрельникова, A.M. Pidhorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems NAS of Ukraine, vul. Pozharskoho, 2/10, Kharkiv, Ukraine 61046

Doctor of Technical Sciences

Leading researcher in the specialty Fracture Mechanics

Елена Николаевна Серикова, A.M. Pidhorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems NAS of Ukraine, vul. Pozharskoho, 2/10, Kharkiv, Ukraine 61046

I category engineer of environmental protection


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How to Cite

Стрельникова, Е. А., & Серикова, Е. Н. (2013). Study of characteristics of groundwater level changing via the mathematical modeling. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(4(63), 31–35.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects