Investigation of phase transformations in murzynskiy kaolin in the production of metakaolin


  • Татьяна Владимировна Зеленюк Ukrainian Academy of Engineering pedagogichekaya Str. University, 16, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61003, Ukraine
  • Ольга Борисовна Скородумова Ukrainian Academy of Engineering pedagogichekaya Str. University, 16, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61003, Ukraine
  • Татьяна Борисовна Гонтар Ukrainian Academy of Engineering pedagogichekaya Str. University, 16, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61003, Ukraine
  • Яна Николаевна Гончаренко Ukrainian Academy of Engineering pedagogichekaya Str. University, 16, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61003, Ukraine
  • Наталья Сергеевна Кайда Ukrainian Academy of Engineering pedagogichekaya Str. University, 16, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61003, Ukraine



Murzinskiy kaolin, phase transformations, metakaolin, adsorption activity, the degree of ordering of kaolinite, mullitization


The metakaolin is low-fired kaolin chamotte. Due to its high activity to free lime, the metakaolin is of interest to producers of dry building concrete mixtures and refractory ones.

The aim of the work is to research the interconnection of structural order degree and phase composition changing in metakaolin during the firing process.

It has been founded that the degree of structural ordering of Murzinskiy kaolin influences the phase composition of fired metakaolin and crystallization degree of its phases as well as its adsorption activity degree.

The influence of calcination temperature on the adsorption activity value of the murzinskiy metakaolin has been researched.

It is found that the adsorption activity of methakaolin increases with decreasing the degree of ordering of kaolinite in the initial kaolin. Using the kaolin based on imperfect structure of kaolinite leads to partial destruction of  layers of kaolinite during the calcination process, its transition into a amorphous aluminosilicate phase and the formation of amorphous oxides of aluminum and silicon, which when mixed with water form mainly Brensted basic centers of adsorption and, in small quantities, Ljuis positive centers.

 It is established that increasing the firing temperature of the above 700oC decreases the adsorption activity of metakaolin. It is connected with passivation of the surface of the metakaolin particles due to the activation of the process of crystallization of its main phases, which leads to a decrease in the number of Brensted basic centers. The obtained results are consistent with the results of X-ray phase analysis.

Author Biographies

Татьяна Владимировна Зеленюк, Ukrainian Academy of Engineering pedagogichekaya Str. University, 16, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61003


Ольга Борисовна Скородумова, Ukrainian Academy of Engineering pedagogichekaya Str. University, 16, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61003

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Technology of Food Industry

Татьяна Борисовна Гонтар, Ukrainian Academy of Engineering pedagogichekaya Str. University, 16, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61003


Department of Food Technology

Яна Николаевна Гончаренко, Ukrainian Academy of Engineering pedagogichekaya Str. University, 16, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61003

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Department of Food Technology

Наталья Сергеевна Кайда, Ukrainian Academy of Engineering pedagogichekaya Str. University, 16, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61003


Department of Food Technology


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How to Cite

Зеленюк, Т. В., Скородумова, О. Б., Гонтар, Т. Б., Гончаренко, Я. Н., & Кайда, Н. С. (2013). Investigation of phase transformations in murzynskiy kaolin in the production of metakaolin. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(6(63), 41–44.



Technology organic and inorganic substances