Estimation of influence of diffraction phenomena of hypersound flight on error of gyro-stabilized platform


  • Вікторія Миколаївна Мельник National technical university of Ukraine is the "Kyiv polytechnic institute" Avenue Victories, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056, Ukraine
  • Володимир Володимирович Карачун National technical university of Ukraine is the "Kyiv polytechnic institute" Avenue Victories, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056, Ukraine
  • Мирослава Федорівна Калініна National technical university of Ukraine is the "Kyiv polytechnic institute" Avenue Victories, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056, Ukraine



Differentiating gyroscope, float suspension, gyro-stabilized platform, systematic error, drift


The article studies the quantitative aspect of an error of a float differentiating gyroscope in a hypersonic flight in order to assess the effect of acoustic radiation on the accuracy of the gyro-stabilized platform and to carry out a comparative analysis of the half-size studies. The article considers the most general case of elastic interaction of the gyroscope suspension with the acoustic wave in a three-dimensional problem, and the selective effect of the angular movement of the fuselage is analyzed.

 The values of the systematic component of errors of sensitive elements of the platform, leading to systematic errors of stabilization or to the drift of the platform were determined.

The findings can serve as a scientific basis for improving the positioning of accuracy in strict conditions of hypersonic aircraft movement.

The three-dimensional model of the phenomenon proves the need to consider the elastic displacement of the surface of the suspension of sensors of the gyro-stabilized platform along its length in spite of their small absolute values

Author Biographies

Вікторія Миколаївна Мельник, National technical university of Ukraine is the "Kyiv polytechnic institute" Avenue Victories, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056

Doctor of engineering sciences, professor

Manager by a department

Володимир Володимирович Карачун, National technical university of Ukraine is the "Kyiv polytechnic institute" Avenue Victories, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056

Doctor of engineering sciences, professor

Department of biotechnics and engineering

Мирослава Федорівна Калініна, National technical university of Ukraine is the "Kyiv polytechnic institute" Avenue Victories, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056

graduate student

Department of biotechnics and engineering


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How to Cite

Мельник, В. М., Карачун, В. В., & Калініна, М. Ф. (2013). Estimation of influence of diffraction phenomena of hypersound flight on error of gyro-stabilized platform. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(7(63), 11–13.



Applied mechanics