Method of estimation of residual operation life of materials under long-term statistic loading


  • Олександр Володимирович Желдубовський Institute of Mechanics S.P. Tymoshenko National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 03057 Str. Nesterova, 3, Ukraine
  • Олександр Тимофійович Сердітов National Technical University of Ukraine «Kiev Polytechnic Institute» 03056, Kiev, Peremogy ave., 37, Ukraine
  • Юрій Валентинович Ключников National Technical University of Ukraine «Kiev Polytechnic Institute» 03056, Kiev, Peremogy ave., 37, Ukraine
  • Павло Васильович Кондрашев National Technical University of Ukraine «Kiev Polytechnic Institute» 03056, Kiev, Peremogy ave., 37, Ukraine
  • Дмитро Олександрович Дурницький National Technical University of Ukraine «Kiev Polytechnic Institute» 03056, Kiev, Peremogy ave., 37, Ukraine



Damage, deformation, creep, specific work of deformation, criterion of damage, damage threshold


In the modern machine building production with high level of competitiveness, the great importance plays the performance and reliability of parts and components of various machine building structures, which often operate under a power impact of various factors. In this regard, there is a need to improve the methods of diagnostics of the condition of the material for fabrication of these constructions.

The study determined the current value of the accumulated damage of the material, which was performed using the proposed experiment-calculated method of estimation of the residual operation life of the material under the long-term statistic loading, and which was based on the experimental determination of three values of the accumulated damage at the initial stage of damage. The authors proposed to use the value of specific work of deformation as a criterion of damage, which allowed the identification of damage parameter as the ratio of the current and total values of the specific work of deformation. The developed method of kinetic diagrams of damage allows the reliable estimation of the exhausted and residual operation life of the material.

Thus, the results of the research are of scientific and practical interest. The authors showed the possibility of constructing a method of rapid diagnostics estimation of damage of the material in relation to the operating structures

Author Biographies

Олександр Володимирович Желдубовський, Institute of Mechanics S.P. Tymoshenko National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 03057 Str. Nesterova, 3

Ph.D., Senior Researcher

Олександр Тимофійович Сердітов, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kiev Polytechnic Institute» 03056, Kiev, Peremogy ave., 37

Ph.D., associate professor

Department of Laser Technology and Physics and engineering technology

Юрій Валентинович Ключников, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kiev Polytechnic Institute» 03056, Kiev, Peremogy ave., 37

Ph.D., associate professor

Department of Laser Technology and Physics and engineering technology

Павло Васильович Кондрашев, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kiev Polytechnic Institute» 03056, Kiev, Peremogy ave., 37

Ph.D., associate professor

Department of Laser Technology and Physics and engineering technology

Дмитро Олександрович Дурницький, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kiev Polytechnic Institute» 03056, Kiev, Peremogy ave., 37


Department of Laser Technology and Physics and engineering technology


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How to Cite

Желдубовський, О. В., Сердітов, О. Т., Ключников, Ю. В., Кондрашев, П. В., & Дурницький, Д. О. (2013). Method of estimation of residual operation life of materials under long-term statistic loading. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(7(63), 24–27.



Applied mechanics