Development of instrumental control methods and visualization of a gun barrels condition


  • Вадим Леонідович Хайков Sevastopol navy academy Pavel Dybenko street 1A, Sevastopol, 99028, Ukraine



Artillery barrel, instrumental control, wear of a barrel, data visualization


The article analyzes the development of methods of instrumental control of wear of smooth and rifled artillery barrels. The features of their control, as well as examples of wear of charging cameras for selected artillery systems were presented.

Based on the reviews it was concluded that the genesis of the control methods of the barrel moves in the direction of the single point contact measurements to non-contact scanning (mapping) of the surface of the barrel, followed by mathematical processing of the experimental data obtained. The method of laser scanning of the barrel is by far the most precise than all considered.

A comparison of methods of visualization of data on survivability of the artillery barrel provided a method based on the use of relative coordinates. The transition to three-dimensional visualization of geometric anomalies of the barrel meets best the principle of clarity. The developed approach will simplify the comparative analysis of wear of artillery barrels of various types and cali

Author Biography

Вадим Леонідович Хайков, Sevastopol navy academy Pavel Dybenko street 1A, Sevastopol, 99028

Scientific organazing department


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How to Cite

Хайков, В. Л. (2013). Development of instrumental control methods and visualization of a gun barrels condition. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(7(63), 52–56.



Applied mechanics